1999 - Miscellaneous
11.22.99 The GIA: 10 Years Later
    *high voice* In the year two thousand... and nine...
09.27.99 Useless RPG Character Competition Results
    A detailed look at the marketing materials of the RPG and industry giant. Couldn't attend TGS? This is the next best thing to being there!
09.23.99 TGS: Squaresoft Propaganda
    A detailed look at the marketing materials of the RPG and industry giant. Couldn't attend TGS? This is the next best thing to being there!
08.29.99 Useless RPG Character Competition
    Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most useless of them all? The GIA presents some of the incompetent party members in RPG history and lets readers choose the single worst.
08.14.99 Pokémon League Summer Training Tour 1999
    It's the gaming sensation that's sweeping the nation -- but can it throw a good party? The GIA investigates Nintendo's nationwide mall tour.
08.10.99 Write your own RPG preview!
    Hey kids!! Now you too can design and preview your very own RPG in just a matter of seconds! It's fun and simple!
07.03.99 Gilgamesh the Hero
    What Final Fantasy V song should you vote for in Square's online music survey? The answer is simple: Battle With Gilgamesh. Why Gilgamesh? The answer to that question is a little longer...
06.30.99 Awful Box Art Competition
    The Bad, the Worse, and the Ugly: the GIA explores the worst box art ever created -- and lets readers choose the most awful of all.
06.02.99 GIA's E3 Photo Album
    We've got games and displays, booth babes and parties, talking fish-men and Jedi Kirby. The GIA (with the help of photographer "Rummy" Rumberger) brings all the action straight to your monitor, and even includes a desktop or 8 for your complimentary download.
04.19.99 The Legend of Buying Zelda
    If you thought beating Ganon was hard, the GIA's own Andrew Kaufmann had a far more treacherous and epic quest to undertake before playing Zelda 64: buying it.
04.11.99 100 RPG Questions
    GIA's Double Agent has already waded through 100 questions concerning the past, present, and future of RPGs. Now another agent sacrifices his sanity to discover definitive answers to a new series of troubling questions.
04.05.99 The RPG Easter Egg Hunt
    If you thought tracking down every last egg was hard, two GIA readers offer a multitude of "easter eggs" to find in a variety of popular RPGs.
03.31.99 The Adventures of Larissa & Kelvin
    The GIA's mascots-at-large star in their first short story adventure, hot on the trail of a stolen screenshot thumbnailing machine.
03.15.99 Tickle-Me Elmdor
    New licensed Final Fantasy Tactics product designed to widen age bracket of gamers.
02.14.99 121 Signs You're Obsessed with Square
    The GIA cares about your social life. Compare your traits with this list, and make improvements to keep your honey happy.
02.08.99 Xenogears crossword puzzle
    Test your Xenogears knowledge with this crossword puzzle.
01.24.99 Zelda rap revisited
    GIA members Kaufmann and Vestal shirked work often during the Christmas holidays, and this is what they have to show for it?! Good grief.
01.18.99 The RPG Clichés Game
    Impostor kings. Destroyed hometowns. Traitorous Imperial generals. You've seen them all dozens of times... now play the RPG Clichés Game!
01.09.99 Final Fantasy Movie
    Think Square's recent RPGs have had impressive, cinematic CG scenes? Wait until they release a whole movie of 'em. Get all the facts on Square's ambitious project.
01.01.99 1998: The year in review
   A unique look back at the past 365 days. Sometimes it felt like a lot more than just 365, didn't it?
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