Sketch Artist

   Today's update has two new artists in it, and some rather unique pieces. Laura offers a picture of Chrono Trigger's "Crono" that's surprisingly lifelike, given the anime-inspired character artwork in the game itself. I'd never have thought it could be done, if I hadn't seen this.

   Our first debut piece today is "A Promised Land Among Us," by Landale. No, it's not Final Fantasy VII -- Landale was inspired by the much older, often forgotten Final Fantasy II for this.

   Aeralea is our second debut, with "I Will Find Her There." This pastel and pencil drawing portrays FFVII's Cloud in the midst of one of the most powerful scenes of the game.

   The last piece is "The Princess of Destiny," by Pamela Ramali. The paper she used seems to be perfect for working with a pencil, and the shading is exquisite.

   That's all for today's update, so till next time, keep sending that artwork in!

Chrono Trigger

A Promised Land Among Us
Final Fantasy II

I Will Find Her There
Final Fantasy VII

The Princess of Destiny
Zelda 64
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