Sketch Artist

   Today, Kei shows us some models of female beauty with "Branford," a pensive profile shot of Terra, and a very bright, crisp, clean "Pegasus Knight Sisters." (No, in case you were wondering, those are not characters from Sailor Moon. :) For the sake of balance, Kouryuu offers up "Foxy Mama!!," also a model of female beauty... trapped in a male body. I bet Squall never looked so elegant in drag.

   Aki makes her second Sketch Artist appearance with "Vincent," a picture that reveals the character's perpetually hidden facial features and captures his mysterious aloofness just by virtue of the cold stare his eyes project. It's definitely a success despite Aki's noted failure in achieving the original desired effect for the piece. Hydrachild perpetuates her flow of recent artwork with "Aya Brea and Eve." J. Parish puts the lid on the gallery with another installment in his line of Xenogears portraits with "Seeker of Power." The piece depicts badman Grahf in all his villainous glory, projecting a menacing persona while his cape billows ominously in the wind (and looking cool while he does so, thanks to his highly detailed and textured threads and armor).

Final Fantasy VI

Foxy Mama!!
Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy VII

Pegasus Knight Sisters
Fire Emblem

Aya Brea and Eve
Parasite Eve

Seeker of Power
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