Sketch Artist

   Good art? Yes, we have it. Hydrachild's "Vanyard" is another good one in a growing line of good ones; the fur lining and blue cloth of Vanyard's cloak look almost lifelike in texture, elaborate designs adorn the gargantuan blade and staff of his axe, and his posture implies a casual but battle-ready cockiness that suits his regal status. pulpy's "don't forget me, please" achieves a haunting mood with its depiction of an abandoned, kneeling Schala clutching her "empty" pendant futilely, all portrayed in a muddy white contrasting with a dark, nebulous backdrop. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the piece is the media with which it was created: white out and cardboard.

   "Yuffie" is a large, gorgeous, well-shaded and all-around kick ass anime piece by Laine that's not to be missed. At least one GIA staff member loses all control of his salivary glands when presented with it. Petra Rödig's "Imminent Execution" is an appreciable piece despite the loss of the shimmer effect of the silk paper it was done on after scanning. "The Young Master" is Jen M's first attempt at coloring one of her traditionally pencil-only works, with good looking results on the reclining Bart. "Lollin' About" by Kei is a light hearted look at one of the more humorous and innovative modes of airborn transportation in recent gaming history.

   Also note the ever expanding blue table to your right. The individual artist galleries have moved outside the "Archives" section to take more of a prominent role in the Sketch Artist showcase. In addition to sorting artwork by each artist, the "Artist Galleries" section will also host some basic information pertaining to each artist in the same spirit of the artist commentary that supplements each piece: to give you readers a better idea of the people who bring you the art.


don't forget me, please
Chrono Trigger

Final Fantasy VII

Imminent Execution
Final Fantasy VII

The Young Master

Lollin' About
Zelda 64
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