Sketch Artist

   Okay, I know I suck, and I'm sorry. I'd like to offer excuses as to why Sketch Artist has not been updated for a month, but you're not here to see excuses, or hear me whine about my life. You're here to see artwork, and darnit, that's what I'm giving you, along with some sincere apologies for the long wait, and the assurance that one of the things keeping me from updating has been remedied. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately, depending on how annoyed you are with the lack of updates), this means I may not be forced to take a hiatus after all, and Sketch Artist can get back to normal... I hope.

   On a more positive note, due to the long wait between updates, there is a ton of artwork for you to view today -- over fifty pieces in five galleries! You may find this as overwhelming as I did, but I urge you to check out all five of the galleries when you get a chance, because some of the very best pieces come close to the end...

   Now for some assorted notes. Contributors, there is a new address for fan art submissions only: Please send them to My personal address is still open in case anyone wants to reach me for any reason other than a submission, of course.

   And finally, for all the artists who have contributed to Sketch Artist over the past year and a half: I'm sorry I didn't have the chance to mention this earlier, but in case you didn't know, GIA has launched a contributors' profile section, where you can tell fans of your work a little bit about yourself, always have an up-to-date email address and homepage link (I know this tends to be a problem nowadays), and so on. For instructions on how to be a part of this, please see the original story about this prospective section. And note that profile submissions do not go to me, because it's an entirely different section encompassing fan fiction and other user contributions besides fan art; they should be sent to

   And speaking of Arpad, I've gotta thank him for solving that large problem I mentioned above which was half the reason I was unable to update. So excuse me for a moment -- Thank you, thank you, thank you! And to everyone, have a great Easter weekend! Personally, it's my favorite holiday... not just for the religious significance, but also because it's the one time of the year you can find rabbit merchandise! ;)

   -- Andrea HartmannMugu mugu...?

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