Sketch Artist

   In the interest of getting this update done before I fall asleep at the keyboard, I will not take the time to describe all twenty-nine pieces in today's update. However, the least I can do for all this incredible artwork is provide an overview... Final Fantasy VII seems to be making a huge comeback, and today's update includes not only character portraits but a mini-comic and location rendering as well! Lots of less widely-drawn games show up today, including Legend of Dragoon, Ys, and Tenchu among others. The singing crack rabbit known as Vibri has continued to regale artists with his siren-like call, despite SCEA's efforts to stop the madness. And in general, this update inspires the following reaction from me: "Mmmm... pretty..."

   A couple things I will mention again, because people are not listening... Do NOT send me files in PSP, PDD, PSD, or other Photoshop formats. Send image files in JPG or GIF only, unless you can only send them in some other format. Obviously if you send a file in a Photoshop format, that probably means you have Photoshop, which has the ability to save them as JPG or GIF. Use it. Please. I'm begging you.

   Also, the email problem from a couple weeks ago has been fixed, but I've still got some images on my HD that couldn't go up today, because the email which they were attached to got wiped. So once again, if you sent in a picture a couple of weeks ago and never saw it go up, feel free to submit it again.

   -- Andrea Hartmann

"Please don't wake me, no, don't shake me, leave me where I am - I'm only sleeping."
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