GIA launches contributor profiles

[03.23.00] » See your name in lights, or at least in HTML.

   Although the GIA has always been and will continue to be primarily a news site, a large part of the site is dependent on reader submissions. Without our readers, there could be no Sketch Artist, Parallel Universe, Mission Logs, or Double Agent sections, not to mention the message boards. As a way of saying thank you, and also to let everyone find out a bit more about the artists and authors who keep the Interact section going, we're launching a contributer profile system, where anyone who has had artwork or fanfiction posted at the GIA will be given a page not unlike the staff dossiers so you can let everyone know a bit more about yourselves.

   A template and submission instructions can be found here, or you can look at GIA staffer and fanfic contributor Nich Maragos' profile for a better idea of what a complete profile looks like. If you have any further questions, send inquiries to

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