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History of the Northern Crater, back to Day One...Apr. 12 - Wow, another update already? And no, this doesn't mean I've gotten a job and am financially secure. Basically it means my two cultist muses let up on their brainwashing and allowed me to write and draw some things that actually weren't them. For a little while. *sigh* Sydney can be so arrogant at times... Anyway, two new FF8 fics today, one by me and one by Luke Taylor, who's undoubtedly tired of waiting around for me to post it. :P His is Silent Knight, and focuses on Fujin, while mine is called Anthem, and details the origin of a GF. And since I was putting those up, I reorganized the Serious Fics page, so that fics are now categorized by game and alphabetical order, since I was getting so many. Also cleared out some remotely hosted fics that were dead links, and some stories that haven't been updated for over a year, if not more, and probably will never be finished. I think from now on, thanks to the hassle, I'm only going to accept finished stories. :P Speaking of, now that the fics section is reorganized, I think I am going to start accepting fic submissions again... there was a long time when I just couldn't be troubled to format stuff, but I think I'm past that now. ;) However, now I've got a few hundred emails in my mailbox that I'm having serious trouble sorting through to find the fics... anyone who hasn't gotten a reply by now probably has their fic lost somewhere in that mess. Sorry. :P Can always send again, though, if you're not too disgusted with me. And now for something other than fanfic explanations: in my gallery there's a new FFT piece, featuring Alma and Zalbag, and my first attempt at doing a background completely in CG. Wheeeee. Also I moved the Shiva pic over there, since it's been on the front page for awhile now. =) Mar. 31 - Well, I've gotten a reprieve as far as the housing situation goes, though I'm still looking for a job... there are two very nice possibilities for work I'll actually enjoy that have presented themselves in the last two weeks, fortunately, and I'm pretty sure I can get one or the other. So life may be returning to normal. And so here I am doing an actual update again! Not a big one, really - just wanted to say thanks to all the visitors who keep coming back, despite the lengthy absence of any significant updates, and have put my counter over 40,000. So now there's a little thank you picture on the index, featuring FFIV's Shiva... because it's 40,000 hits, and because after getting in the first FFX screenshots over at the GIA featuring an absolutely beautiful new version of Shiva, I felt the need to draw some form of my favorite summoned creature. =) Also, I added some midis in the FFVIII, FFIX, and FFT sections, and three new (and rather goofy) pics in my gallery. Thanks again, guys! A little over 3 years and 40,000 hits... I hope I can get some time soon to bring the site back to something that maybe deserves that kind of honor. =) Mar. 14 - Not so much an update as an apology/rant. Yes, I know I haven't updated for two months. My time has been spent trying to get a real job, and if I don't get a couple hundred dollars by the end of the month, I'm going to be evicted from my apartment. Therefore, instead of updating fan pages, I'm job hunting almost nonstop. And when I'm not job hunting, I'm trying to keep myself from going completely insane by indulging in my latest obsession, Vagrant Story. The stuff I'm doing on that can't be seen here, of course, because this is an FF site, but if you're interested, head over to EarMouse, my actual homepage. Fics and art. Oh yeah. As for this page, I'll probably be back to updating again either when I've settled comfortably into a new job and am not in imminent fear of becoming honest-to-goodness homeless, or when Sydney decides to stop possessing me and forcing me to write about him and Hardin. Until one or the other happens, I don't have much time. Of course, if you don't hear from me again by April 1st, assume that I won't be updating again anytime soon because I'm living in my car, which doesn't have the necessary equipment for internet access. Jan. 13: - Sad that this is the first update of the new year. A full thirteen days after it started... I've been slacking. At any rate, here's a new chapter of The Heirloom. I'll warn you, this is kind of the equivalent of chapter 25 of Misbegotten - the one that'll probably decide you on whether you'll love this fic or hate it. ;) I have a bunch of other stuff that I've done, but it's 6 am. I'm tired, and I have a busy weekend ahead of me. And I've forgotten what other sections I worked on recently, except for adding some midis to the midi jukebox. So that's all for right now. ;) |
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