¤ FFI ¤ FFIV ¤ FFV ¤ FFVI ¤ FFVII ¤ FFVIII ¤ FFIX ¤ FFMQ ¤ FFT ¤ Other ¤ Note: None of these were made by me (except for the ones marked as being made by me) - I got them from various archives and such around the net, and have no idea who did most of them, because they are very seldom labelled. I greatly appreciate the effort the people who made them put forth, though, and their work certainly doesn't go unappreciated! Bland Logo. Plays during the opening. Character Introductions. Plays while you're hearing the story at the start of the game. Trisection. One of the many battle themes. Main Character's Theme. A Chapel. My very favorite battle theme. Algus's Theme. Oooooh, I hated that little snot. Sweegy Woods. That is probably the weirdest name for a place I've seen in any RPG so far. Yes, even weirder than Zozo. Decisive Battle. Battle at Dorter Trade City Tutorial. Heheheheh, Professor Daravon rules! Ovelia's Theme. Antipyretic. Plays during the battle at Golgorand Execution Site. Bervenia Free City. Riovanes Castle. Epilogue. Plays during the ending movie. |