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![]() ¤ FFI ¤ FFIV ¤ FFV ¤ FFVI ¤ FFVII ¤ FFVIII ¤ FFMQ ¤ FFT ¤ Other ¤ Note: None of these were made by me - I got them from various archives and such around the net, and have no idea who did most of them, because they are very seldom labelled. I greatly appreciate the effort the people who made them put forth, though, and their work certainly doesn't go unappreciated! Midis from other games I loveI liked the game so much, I made another web shrine to it! And actually, I have way too many Xenogears midis to upload here, so go over and check out my Xenogears page, X-Contact, for those. My sweetie got me this for Christmas, since I'd never played it back when it came out, and (as of March 3rd, when I'm coding this), I just got to the last boss, and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. Funny, because I hate Marle so much, that about 5 minutes into the game, when Marle gets sucked into a gate and taken who knows where, I was like "Good riddance. I'm not going after her." Unfortunately, I soon realized if I wanted to play longer than 5 minutes, I'd have to rescue her... bleah. I hate her so much. She's the only bad point in the game for me though... and Glenn and Robo kick supreme butt! Gato's Song. This absolutely cracks me up, and for more reasons than most of you probably know. Heh. The Trial. I think this was about the point when I finally decided "Okay, this game is pretty darn cool, despite Marle." Wind Scene. Overworld theme from uh... one of the eras, I forget which. Frog's Theme. A perennial favorite... and one of my two favorite characters! Faroff Promise. Uggggh, I hate Marle. Here's her little theme music anyway... I don't think it fits her. Too nice and quiet. :P Delightful Spekkio. I have no idea why I love this one so much. As someone on a message board I frequent once said... "It's just so... delightful!" Underground Sewer. My favorite of the dungeon themes, for some weird reason. Sealed Door. Another one I like for some weird reason. Battle with Magus. For some reason, everyone seems to really like this track (and Magus) except me. Ah well. Time Circuits. Played in the kingdom of Zeal, which is one of the cooler RPG "cities" I've ever seen. Fortunately, it had some of the best music in the game, too. Undersea Palace. A pretty cool "tech dungeon" sort of theme. Epoch. The "airship" theme. First Festival of Stars. From a little ways into the ending. This is so insanely happy... To Faraway Times. Music from the ending, and one of my favorite game musics ever, no less. By far my favorite track in the game. Everyone either seems to love or hate this game... count me among those who love it. Of course, probably 50% of the blame for that goes to Ashton, who is just about the weirdest and most insane (playable) character I've ever seen in a game. Arlia. I don't know the names of these tracks, by the way... but this one plays in the forest where Claude meets Rena. It actually could sort of be considered a main theme, because variations of it show up repeatedly throughout the game. Salva. I love this town theme. It's rather whimsical... as is fitting for the town where you meet Ashton. Heh heh... Bunny Theme. COME ON BUNNY! :D I love bunnies - there need to be more rabbits in RPGs. And not as enemies! Anyway, this reminds me of the chocobo theme a bit... Lacour Front Lines. Nice military sounding theme. Eluria. A dungeon theme, and a rather nice one at that. Fun City. This is right up with CT's "First Festival of Stars" as far as super-fun-happy music goes. :D Music Box Theme. A remix of the aforementioned forest theme which plays during sad scenes with Rena. Who I don't like, but at least the music associated with her is good. =) A truly classic game... I loved the forest with the changing seasons, especially - and the girl! The Boy Aims for Wild Fields. The usual field music. This is seriously the most accurate midi I've ever come across. Perfect. Water Palace. Soft, peaceful, flowing. The Color of the Summer Sky. Cute... so very cute... Ceremony. Freaky music from the ruins. Flammie. Flammie is just way too cute. =) What the Forest Taught Me. My favorite area of the entire game! I loved the pink trees of spring, for some weird reason. Kakkara. The desert town music. Ice Country. This music captures the frozen, sparkly atmosphere of the ice forest so wonderfully... Second Town Theme. I really really like this town theme... My favorite action RPG ever. Why? I can't put my finger on it... I just like it. Most people don't know that Illusion of Gaia was this game's sequel... most who have played both say that Soul Blazer was better. Having never played Illusion of Gaia, I can't say for sure, but I love Soul Blazer, certainly! Sad Town Theme. Not that it's particularly sad, but once you rebuild, there's happier music. I love this... so wonderfully melodic. Inside Leo's Painting. Also inside the model towns, and a few other places. Ice Fields of Laynole. The backgrounds on this part were gorgeous... Song for Lisa. Beautiful... but how's a single bard playing this song? ;) Possibly the most flat-out fun game ever! Every darned thing about this game was fun. Weird thing to do in this game: I loved buying bowls of soup at the stores and watching my characters eat it, cause.. they ate the bowl! O_o;; And buying smiles from the waitresses and watching the boys blush... hahaha! And of course there was the added coolness of the Double Dragon music at the end... Main Theme. Brings back awesome memories... beating thugs with trash cans and iron bars... and each other. ;) Boss Battle. Rock! Password Theme. I made this one myself, cause it's neat. ;) Shop Theme. I made this one too, since no one else seems to be making RCR midis. Hardest midi I've made so far. This series freakin' rocks! Symphony of the Night is THE MAN. Or maybe THE GAME. Eh, it shares that honor with Super Metroid. Daytime theme from CV2: Simon's Quest. I love this music! And this game! Yes! Anyway, this midi is awesome looped. Try it out. =) Dracula's mansions from CV2:SQ. This is awesome! It brings back so many memories... If you haven't been able to tell by now, this is my second favorite CV game. ;) Chandelier level of Super CV4. My favorite CV level ever. It was about the coolest thing I'd ever seen in a video game... remember the dancing ghouls? Dance of Pales from Symphony of the Night. Plays in Olrox's chambers. Of course, a midi simply cannot show how completely awesome this music is within the game. Wood Carving Partita from SotN. This music is seriously one of my alltime favorite game musics. Again, the midi simply can't do it justice. Harpsichords! Wandering Ghosts from SotN. I think this played in the Coliseum...? At any rate, it reminds me of the SNES Shadowrun game for some reason. Puts me in mind of the third area... Royal Chapel from SotN. Can't remember if that's the real name of this one, but it sure is pretty. =) Now here's a series that brings back so many fond memories... Heh, I remember the day MM3 came out, my brother and I rented it and worked together... we beat it within the 3 days we rented it for, and my mom got mad cause she had been planning on buying it for us for Christmas. =) Bubble Man from MM2. This is a seriously awesome midi. Flash Man from MM2. For some reason, this makes me think "Stayin' alive! Stayin' alive!" ^_^;; Metal Man from MM2. Ah yes, the stage we always did first. Heh... Quick Man from MM2. Argh, he had those accursed lasers... Die, Quick Man. DIE! First Dr. Wily stage from MM2. Everyone loves this music... I can see why. =) Intro from MM3. Gosh, I loved this game. I think after I finish this HTML, I'm gonna go play it. Spark Man from MM3. So darn catchy! Ending from MM3. Proto Man, at the time, was one of the coolest video game characters I'd ever seen. I wrote Mega Man fanfic back then, in fact. Talk about a classic game... I kinda sucked at it, but I just loved it. Intro Part 1 from NG1. Heh, I had a ton of fun with this track and the sound test mode. I'd start this track playing, then zoom up to the "gunshot" sound.. so at the end of this, instead of swords clashing, there was a gunshot. Hahahaha! I did that for like an hour at a time... I had no life then either. ^_^;; All around nifty puzzle game... wish I could find it again now that NES games are so cheap. :P Main Theme from BB1. Heheh, this midi just cracks me up for some reason. This game was in the very first issue of Nintendo Power I got... it totally consumed my mind for a few weeks, and caused me to call the game counselors quite a few times. ^_^; Thank goodness they're making more Shadowgate games now! Castle Shadowgate Theme. Another one that sounds great looped. Getting the Lightning Rod. Argh, I miss this game. What in the world can I say about this series that hasn't already been said a hundred times? Well, except so far I think Ocarina of Time isn't all that great, compared with Link to the Past and Link's Awakening. Hmm. And yes, I still maintain that Navi is at least as annoying as Baby Mario was in Yoshi's Island. ^_^ Title screen from Legend of Zelda. One of the most classic video game musics ever. Overworld music from Z1. Seems weird to hear it without all the sounds of battle raging. =) Dungeon theme from Z1. Can't hear it without picturing hands coming out of the walls and grabbing me. :P Title screen from Zelda 2: Adventure of Link. I remember thinking at the time, "Whoa, those graphics are incredible!" Sadly, just like in that old commercial... *shiver* Town theme from Z2. Heheh, "I am Error." If you say so, man... Cave theme from Z2. Eh, repetitive and all, but memorable. Temple theme from Z2. Ugh, makes me think of those annoying horseheads. Ick. Credits from Z2. I remember thinking that the last battle was really sweet... Hyrule Castle from Zelda 3: A Link to the Past. My fave game of the series. Sanctuary from Z3. Nice little choir type sound to it... Cave Theme from Z3. I have no idea why I like this so much. Kakariko Village from Z3. Makes me think of attacking chickens... *cackle* Light World dungeon theme from Z3. Ominous... Fairy Theme from Z3. Very cute... Dark World Theme Okay, so I may be weird, but the Dark World was cool. The whole thing about there being this whole other world that was just like the real world, but all twisted and nasty... gave me a nightmare once too. Dark World dungeon theme from Z3. Isn't this nice and creepy? Crystal Theme from Z3. Hey, what do you know - this is the same music as Zelda's Theme in Z5! Never realized that this one was a recurring tune... Lost Woods from Z3. Of course, they weren't anywhere near as lost as in Z1. =) Lost Woods from Zelda 5: The Ocarina of Time. Speaking of Lost Woods, this is by far my favorite track that I've heard from Z5. Windmill Theme from Z5. Nice little tune... I heard a goth remix of it one time that ruled. =) Zelda's Theme from Z5. On my sound card, this midi sounds identical to the ingame version... seriously, it's scary how accurate this is. |
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