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![]() ¤ FFI ¤ FFIV ¤ FFV ¤ FFVI ¤ FFVII ¤ FFVIII ¤ FFIX ¤ FFMQ ¤ FFT ¤ Other ¤ Note: None of these were made by me (except for the ones marked as being made by me) - I got them from various archives and such around the net, and have no idea who did most of them, because they are very seldom labelled. I greatly appreciate the effort the people who made them put forth, though, and their work certainly doesn't go unappreciated! Ahead On Our Way. Someone sent me this midi a really long time ago and I didn't even know what it was from but I loved it. ^_^ A Presentiment. Music that plays during the opening scenes. Four Valiant Hearts. The overworld theme. Hurry! Hurry! The urgent, "run for your life!" music. Lenna's Theme. Lenna, Reina, whatever. Fate in Haze. A dungeon theme. Battle Theme. I'm addicted to these catchy little things... Victory Fanfare. It's to be expected. Pirates Ahoy! Ah, Faris... ;) Tenderness in the Air. I don't like most town themes, but this one I do... maybe cause I haven't heard it as much as the others? Good Night!. I always wondered why on earth these are on the OST. Sealed Away. This played in the Wind Shrine, and I liked it so much I went out and hunted down the midi. Cursed Earths. Music from the town of Karnak, as well as a few other places. Deception. Don't quite remember where this was played... Walking in the Snowy Mountains. Actually, the place I first heard this didn't look snowy at all. And neither did any of the others, now that I'm thinking of it... :P Danger! The Fierce Battle. Boss theme, of course. The Dragon Spreads Its Wings. Of course, in the rom I have, they didn't translate some things, so I've been calling the dragon "hiryuu". The Royal Palace. A suitably noble-sounding song for the castles... The Fire-Powered Ship. Run! Nostalgia. Sort of a sad theme... The Ancient Library. Reminiscence. Sort of eerie in a way. Musica Machina. This is just plain strange, but goes well with the setting. The Day Will Come. A quiet, sort of melancholy theme. What? The requisite "weird humor" theme. Mambo de Chocobo. Heh heh... My Home, Sweet Home. This is just a really neat little bit of music. Music Box. Is it just me, or does every Square game have a piece like this? The Airship. Darned fastest airship I've ever seen, too. O_o The Evil Lord ExDeath. He even sounds dangerous... ExDeath's Castle. Sounds a lot like OWA... The Four Warriors of Dawn. Battle With Gilgamesh. Also known as The Big Bridge. One of the cooler battle themes, definitely. Unknown Lands. It appears I may have a new favorite overworld theme. The Castle of Dawn. As if one noble castle theme wasn't enough, here's another. Beyond the Deep Blue Sea. Incredibly similar to the FF7 submarine theme, by some odd coincidence. As I Feel, You Feel. Another one I made myself, because I collect midis of forest themes. I couldn't find this one anywhere. Waltz Clavier. Heehee... poor Faris. ;) Go Go Boco! Or Boko... whatever. He's one cool bird. The Land Unknown. Yet another cool overworld theme. Book of Sealings. An eerie theme played in the sealed castle. Intention of the Earth. A second dungeon theme. Searching for Light. The theme for the second part of the last dungeon. The Decisive Battle. An Exdeath battle theme. The Last Battle. Gee, I wonder what this is? The Silent Beyond. The music for the first part of the ending. Dear Friends. The second part of the ending. Final Fantasy. The third part of the ending... and the point at which I found myself a bit teary-eyed... The New Origin. The music during the (incredibly cool) credits sequence. Prelude. Actually, it's hard to call it a prelude when it comes after the game's finished. But it's the FF Prelude. Fanfare 1. The music that plays whenever the party gets something really cool. Fanfare 2. Actually, I don't remember hearing this... I'm a Dancer. Heehee... Butz is such a dork when he tries to dance. :D This is another midi I made out of boredom. Piano Lesson 6. Heh heh... I think I get as much satisfaction from finding the pianos as I do a new job class. Piano Lesson 7. One more to go, and then I will be a Piano Master! *poses like Ash* Piano Lesson 8. You know, it's too bad it's not that easy to learn to play the piano in real life... |
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