The beginning of a timeless tradition...

Note: None of these were made by me (except for the ones marked as being made by me) - I got them from various archives and such around the net, and have no idea who did most of them, because they are very seldom labelled. I greatly appreciate the effort the people who made them put forth, though, and their work certainly doesn't go unappreciated!

¤ Final Fantasy I ¤

Prelude. The very first incarnation of the Crystal Prelude!
Main Theme. Overworld music.
Chaos' Temple. Even back then, Uematsu was creating works of art...
Matouya's Cave. I wish I knew who did this, this is a really good midi.
Castle Theme. Yeah, yeah, rescue the Princess, haven't heard that one before.
Town Theme. Yeah, yeah...
Sailing Ship. I think I heard this one too much too. Darn that trip to Crescent Lake!
Earth Cave. Ah, memories. The hall of giants. Infuriatingly difficult Earth elementals. Bats that got in my way. Ack.
Gurgu Volcano. Lair of my favorite Fiend of Fire - Kary!
Undersea Palace. Heh, and that's where I found the Slab for Dr. Unne...
Dungeon. Two words for you: Marsh Cave! :P
Menu Screen. I heard this one a little too much, back in the day...
Airship Theme. Every game has one.
Floating Castle. Ah, the robots... shoot me before I get too nostalgic.
Battle Theme. A FF game with only one battle theme?
Fanfare. Sound familiar?
Ending Theme. This was pretty darn impressive in its day.
Dead Music. Still makes me cringe. :P