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History of the Northern Crater in 1998Dec. 30 - I was kinda inspired last night, so I wrote up Chapter 26 of Misbegotten. Let's see if I can keep the ball rolling on this story... I know I said I was going to have more character info and midis, but I gotta do what I gotta do... also what I had to do was finish organizing those darn directories. Thank goodness that's about over with... Update No. 2: In another burst of inspiration, I wrote up a FFVI fic in a few hours last night. Pretty short, and the main character is someone that almost everyone hates, but... I just had to write it. Hope you understand, and enjoy... ^_^ Also, I uploaded more midis. I'm in a FFVI kinda mood these days. Dec. 28 - Nothing really noteworthy, really... Just added a link to GIA, since I like plugging myself (not that my stuff's up there yet, but soon... ^_~), and added a little character info. Mostly what I've been doing is reorganizing the site, so I can tell what files are where a little easier. It's an internal change only, though - you won't see any difference. Unless I did it wrong. :P Dec. 24 - Special holiday update! I was going to wait till tomorrow and have more, but that's when my first review at GIA is going to be up, so I'll be working on that today... (small note - it wasn't. Grrr... when will the waiting end...?) So as a little early Christmas present, a new chapter of Misbegotten! I'm tempted to say if you read only one chapter of the story, it should be this one - but if you only read this one, you'd have no idea what's going on. So never mind. ^_^ And I just made the place look more festive... By the way, this is probably the only time you'll ever see anything red on the main page. ;) Update part 2: just in time for Christmas, Crono & Dekar made a Javascript FF Code generator! So to those who were confused when you tried to do it by hand, give this a shot. It really works incredibly well. Get your FF Code today, it's as easy as a multiple choice test! Dec. 12 - Just a couple little updates, and a big announcement. (For my ego, anyway. ^_^) First, the updates... I fixed the links page, so the other pages don't open inside my frames (man... I can't believe I forgot to do that. I feel so dumb...), and I got in touch with a couple more people in regards to game scripts (and by a weird coincidence, met one of them on IRC without even realizing it), and so now there are more of those up... including a Mystic Quest script! Maybe I'm weird, but I find that incredibly cool. Also, I added a little bit of the FFVII character info. Only the stuff from the booklets, but I'll be expanding on that soon enough. Or will I...? Heheh... you see, the big announcement is, I'll be having a lot less free time in the near future, because I have a new project... As of a couple days ago, I'm officially staff at GIA! If you check out the staff dossier, you'll see I'm in some pretty prestigious company. Which means, I'm gonna be working my butt off to prove I can keep up with them. I may not answer my email right away (again... sigh) or update as much as I should, but rest assured, TNC will not be abandoned. And I certainly intend to finish my fics. (Yes, plural. ^_^) Just be patient... it's a new job, you know. ^_^ Dec. 8 - I was inspired tonight, so I put the finishing touches on two new chapters of Misbegotten. You can thank the people at my Sailor Moon IS for that one - I went back there for the first time in two weeks, and read all their awesome posts... got me wanting to really write again. Dec. 7 - I got word that for some reason the link to Misbegotten was staying inside the frame... which it shouldn't have been doing... but it works for me now. If anyone has more troubles like that, PLEASE let me know. It was good timing to be told about this, because I just got the third installment of Sephiroth vs. the World in the mail today... *cackle* I don't know... is it childish to derive so much pleasure from reading about Sephiroth killing people? ^_^ Dec. 5 - Finally done! More or less... Ah well, I had fun doing it. Especially now that I have Photoshop... See, the whole redesigning was basically because I never designed the site to begin with. I more or less just threw it together, and occasionally added stuff to make it look a little nicer... but honestly, it was just a mish-mash of different ideas I had. So to that end, I decided 9 months was too long to leave it in a jumbled mess. As you've seen by now, I decided to stick with the darker scheme, and I liked the sort of Mako theme that I had going... The fonts I got at Font Mania, whose link button is on the entry page if you scroll down, they have lots of cool stuff. And I dunno what else to say about it, because I'm very tired. ^_^ So, hope you enjoy... I had a little problem with the FTP, so if you find that there are images not loading, or links you can't access, let me know so I can try uploading them again. Oh yeah, and if you're someone who has a link to my page, and wants one of the new banners, go here to get one. I think they're a lot nicer than my old cruddy ones I threw together in Paint... Heh... Nov. 22 - Finally got around to putting in the HTML for some stuff in the Fan Art section that I'd uploaded awhile back... And added a new thing in Weird Crap. It's kinda... scary? Stupid? Scandalous? All of the above? It even made my beloved say "This girl are sick!" so that's a good sign. ^_^ Nov. 17 - I've been presented with a few awards.. meaning now my Awards section is no longer misnamed. ^_^ Found a couple new midis I really liked too, and so while I was adding those, I redid the Sounds page. Apparently some people have had a problem with all the embedded midis... there's some plugin that automatically starts playing midis as soon as they're loaded, even if they have autostart=false on...? Seems rather inconvenient. :P But they were taking awhile to load anyway, now that I have so many... so it's just as well I just added links instead of embedding. ^_^ And yes... TNC is going to get a new look in December, and I'm having a *ton* of fun designing it. Stay tuned... ^,^ Nov. 7 - Finally got around to adding Jhiend's incredibly funny message (it's in the Weird Crap section, simply because that's where I put all the short humorous stuff... really, I suppose I should change the name if I'm going to put other people's stuff there. Heh.), and added a little message to the front page, explaining why I haven't been updating much. I get an awful lot of mail asking me why, and can't reply to each individually without making the problem worse... :P Oct 28 - Added a little something to the Sephy Shrine... and I do mean a little something. This is a section I want to enlarge soon, but my hands... grr... Oct 22 - Well, Little Chiba found a new home for his site (as you probably read already) so I changed the link, and cleaned out the directory I had all that in... ah, it was fun while it lasted, though! And since I was doing the whole link thing, I anti-aliased the Links page graphics. Slowly but surely... Oh yeah... and on an almost totally irrelevant note, I must get Xenogears tomorrow. Arrrrgh! Only been out for one day, and I'm already feeling left out because I don't have it.. I want that darn game NOW! :( Oct 21 - I... can't stay away. So much to add... I hope my doctor doesn't happen to come here. ^_^;; Added a fanfic I've had in my mailbox for awhile, Sephiroth vs. the World 2. If you liked the first one, you'll like the sequel... and I'm in it! Heheh... Also added Lilia's counter gift, which I've also had in my mailbox for awhile (sorry... :P Stupid lousy hands, hurting all the time!) and anti-aliased the Fanfic/Humor page, while I was there.... Stuff I'm gonna add soon, if my hands feel better: something that was posted on the RPGamer message boards by Jhiend, that was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen, and another chapter of Misbegotten. I actually have most of the next three chapters written out... they're just on notebook paper. :P Oct 10 - Just a quickie here, as I'm not supposed to be typing at all. :P But this page I found was so freakin' cool, I had to add it to my links! Seriously, the last link in my Square/Gaming section. Hahaha! It's great! Also I anti-aliased the graphics on the links page, since I was working on it anyway. And the Graphics index page, cause it didn't have much to do. Oct 9 - Bad news folks... I *do* have tendonitis. My doctor's ordered me to rest my hands... but I just can't let my page sit here unupdated! Argh... so I did something that required no typing - anti-aliasing the link graphics on the front page. In the next couple weeks, I'm not supposed to be typing much at all, so I might be able to do the rest of the site that way. And don't get offended if you send me email and I don't answer... I shouldn't even be typing this... ;_; Oct 7 - One of those spur-of-the-moment-and-probably-bad-idea ideas hit me tonight, so I spliced together a couple pictures... it's in the Weird Crap section, in the "Unusual Wallpaper" section. Even though it's not wallpaper, it went well with the wallpaper I have there. ^_~ Oct 6 - Word of the update: ARRRRGH! This is due to several things. 1: FC's stupid FTP wouldn't let me log in to upload files. 2: FC's stupid annoying Java page updater wasn't working or letting me upload files either. 3: My mouse wasn't working for most of last week, making it nearly impossible to get on the web at all. 4: My hands are hurting so bad I'm going to see a doctor about it tomorrow. So to all those who have been clamoring me for updates... if I don't take some time off writing soon, I might lose the use of my hands altogether, and then I'd never finish Misbegotten. I think we'd all rather I took a little time off, right? Then the story will actually be done someday. But for those who couldn't wait, there's another chapter up now, and doing so made my hands ache all last night. And then I couldn't even upload it. I'm thinking about looking into Simplenet or a similar service... the chapter's a pretty long one though, so enjoy. Sorry if this sounds irritable or something, but I'm really upset about my hands. I need them. Sept 27 - Holy crap, 4 updates in 4 days? Well, they're all kind of small and didn't require much work on my part. Added two new submitted fics today and won an award, too... I suddenly feel sort of bigtime. ^_^ Sept 26 - Just put up Chiba's script, since it was in need of a home. Now, my fingers and wrists are killing me, I think I'm getting tendonitis thanks to my lousy job.. :( Does anyone know where I might get a job designing pages, or even just transferring documents into HTML? I'm desperate to get out of my current job. Since because of it, typing hurts, meaning less frequent updates.. sorry. If someone can point me towards a job in web design, I'll update much more frequently. ^_~ Sept 25 - I got incredibly fed up tonight with FC's cgi constantly being down, so I went counter shopping. And (I'll warn you in advance, this may sound like a commercial, but they didn't pay me to say this!) fortunately I came across CyberCount, which has an incredible selection of over 500 fonts to choose from... Seriously, I'm really happy. The font I got is just perfect for the site! ^,^ So I had to stick a banner somewhere on my page... small price to pay. Heh. I had around 4175 hits last time FC's cgi was actually working, and that was almost a week ago, so I started the counter at 4200. Probably there's really more hits than that, and hopefully this counter will be more accurate than the old one. Ben Mo sent me some wavs, too. Very, very frightening. If you're lucky enough to know who Ben Mo is... you know why. Sept 24 - Another quickie. Added a new link, and joined the Professor Daravon Fan Club, whose button is now on my front page. Heheh.... I'm just so pleased he linked to my "site tat is web". I mean... that was just an injoke me and my sweetie had! Might as well add here... I reclaimed my NES tonight. So expect me to rave about 8-bit gaming in the near future. Sept 21 - Okay, a quickie... I liked this one song from FFV so much, I added it to my page and made it the midi of the moment. And I let someone read my Kain fic today, who actually thought up a good name for it, so it's now online in the Fanfics/Humor section. Finally. You can thank Froborr d'Wiggy for the title. ^_^ And yes, chapter 22 is almost done. Sept 18 - Hey, I'm actually updating my page again, on a semi-regular basis! Imagine that... I think it has something to do with the fact I'm finally getting the hang of FFT, so it's less time-consuming now... Of course, don't get your hopes up - last night I downloaded a FFV rom. Heh... Which brings me to... The links! I told you that's what I'd be doing next, and so I did. Added a couple new ones, corrected a couple old ones, and... that's about it. But speaking of FFT, Shane and I were talking about some of the cool music in the game, and he sent me a bunch of battle themes and stuff, so I added those (as well as a few more I picked up at RPGamer) to my Sounds page. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of most of them... Oh well. Oh yes, and you may be in for a sudden flurry of artwork - my sweetie got a free copy of Adobe PhotoDeluxe, which he wasn't going to use, so he sent it to me! Woohoo! And no, I'm not neglecting Misbegotten. A new chapter should be coming soon... maybe this weekend, if I'm lucky. I was inspired tonight... (Very late in the day) Added a... uh... portrait of me, sort of... in the About Me section. Maybe it should have gone in fan art? I can't decide. ^_^;; Sept 12 - Added two new pics in the fan art section, and I think next on my list is the links page. And my Kain fic, if I can think up a name for it.... argh! Sept 7 - Well, surprise surprise, I finally updated! Sorry about the long wait, I've been incredibly busy with all sorts of miscellaneous projects, plus my lousy job (I'm looking for a new one, darnit), and then there's the fact I actually have something like a personal life again. Imagine that - someone who runs 3 web pages (er.. really more like 3.5, soon to be 4.5, and if the other .5 gets any busier, it'll be an even 5 ^_^;;) having a personal life? Okay, and also I confess... I've become addicted to FFTactics. Sigh... Delita kicks butt. Enough excuses - on with the updates! Well, I redesigned the Sephy shrine, and got a new virtual URL (less because I thought it would make it easier on other people - I'm just getting lazy about typing the whole URL myself ^_^). So now you can http://come.to/theNorthernCrater. Cool, huh? I'll probably do more updates today... I have a new fic (not about FFVII, either - it's about Kain! I love that guy...) coming up as soon as I can think of a name for it. And indeed... I went to bed, got back up this afternoon, and redid a bit of the fan art section. Added one of my new pics, too, and my first piece of non-FF7 fan art, a submission by Shane. And perhaps best of all (or at least scariest of all)... new FF8 rumors in the Weird Crap section! Aug 20 - Finally an update worth taking notice of! Thanks to some cool people on the message boards, the FF Code now has lists of characters/villains from FF3j and MQ. (I could have done MQ myself I suppose, but I just wasn't interested enough to think about it too long. ^_^;; So thanks!) Also, because the people demanded it (or at least a couple people repeatedly demanded it), there's a new category - what character you most look like. Which I don't really have an answer for... There's so few female characters with long dark hair, and well... other than that, I don't look at all like Tifa. Heh. And none of them have glasses... Well, perhaps those FFMQ characters came in handy after all. I guess I would make a decent Kaeli... Anyway, that means I now have the characters/villains from every FF game, which makes this officially version 1.0 of the FF code! Rejoice, an' stuff! ^_^ Aug 18 - Well, counter passed 3000 yesterday, and I was hoping to have some kind of update to celebrate, but I've been so incredibly busy... grr. At least now I just have one more extraneous project to do, so when that's done, I'll start really working on the stuff here again. Unless I get even more addicted to FFT than the person who's sending me a copy this week. ^_~ Aug 11 - Joined another webring (this one I'm actually helping to administrate, so I had a good reason ^_^), and realized I had an awful lot of webring graphics scattered around, making my pages ridiculously long, so I made a webrings page. Easy enough, especially since FC let me actually FTP tonight instead of using their cruddy Java updater. ("I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE JAVA!" screams EllKefka...) Also wrote up another (very short) chapter of Misbegotten, and decided I didn't like having the whole site be white on black except for Misbegotten, which was black on white, so I inverted the colors in the chapters to match the rest of the site. Impressive, huh? :P Aug 9 - Well, I would have done this a few days ago, but FC was too darn busy to let me upload!! Grrr... Why did they have to offer everyone 20 megs free now? I guess I shouldn't complain, but gah, it's so slow now. Annnnyway... Yeah, this is an updates page, not a rants page. What I've added so far today: four fanfics that are not mine! Whew, I bet you're all relieved. ^_^ Links to three very good stories, and actually uploaded a very silly fic that was submitted to me just this last week. By the way, I'm trying to catch up to all my mail but I still have 50 unread messages in my inbox. -_-;; So if you sent me mail and haven't received a reply, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just incredibly busy. Sorry for the delays... I'm hoping to have either another chapter of Misbegotten or episode 2 of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Barret up soon, depending on whether I'm in a serious or humorous mood tonight. ^_^ Aug 5 - Added a list of characters from FF2j to the FF Code, courtesy of Ziguld. ^_^ That's all for now... the rest of my night was spent trying to draw my first counter gift for someone. Go fig. ^_^ Aug 3 - Guess what everybody... I got my scanner working! Yippee, yahooey! ^,^ So one of the first things I did was upload a couple more drawings of mine to the fan art section, naturally. ^_^ One of Kit (a rather good one, I think) and... well, naturally, two of Sephiroth, but... he's so fun to draw! The hair... I love drawing hair, okay? ^_^ One of the pics in particular nearly makes me fall in love with him all over again... But not quite! Cause my non-fictional sweetie was kind enough to edit it with his good graphics programs (unlike my crappy ones) and make it darker, more vivid... "Ah, the chilling, bishounen charisma of Sephiroth... And J. Parish, generous and full of geeky charm... I cannot bear to part with either! I would date with them both!" ^_^ August 1 - Finally got a preliminary version of the FF Code put together for people to check out... I'll have a better explanation of it up soon, and an example so those who are confused by it can see exactly how it works. (Whew! Trying to explain it, I kinda sound like Professor Daravon or whatever his name was, from FFT. ^_^ Still needing some help to complete it, as I haven't played FF2, FF3, or FF5, and I haven't finished FFT... Details are on the page. Over the last week or so I've been doing a little cleaning up here and there too, just changing more ugly header text to pretty blue transparent gifs and such... Nothing worthy of mentioning in a whole new updates section, but since I uploaded the FF Code, might as well make a note of it now. So there you have it... Went to bed, got up, and had mail that included lists of player characters and villains from FFV and FFT, so I added those to the code, making it officially a beta version! (As I still haven't added characters from FF2, FF3, or FFMQ - but almost no one's played FF2 and FF3, and... no one likes MQ. ^_^;; I mean, I didn't hate it, but it's still my least favorite, you know? Pretty unremarkable. I better shut up before this becomes an editorial.) July 26 - Felt like making a logo tonight, so I replaced the boring header text in the Sephy shrine with a nifty blue font. ^_^ While I'm doing that, J. Parish sends me this mail, saying he added some stuff to make my index.html load faster... I didn't know WIDTH and HEIGHT made the page load faster, and so I was very surprised and thankful. Jeremy's such a sweetie.. ^_^ So the front page is revamped, and gee... 9 hits away from 2000! Thanks so much, all of you... Hope you're enjoying visiting the site as much as I'm enjoying running it! ^,^ Woohoo! And now I come back and it's passed 2000, and Jeremy's sent me a counter gift too, which is now up in the Graphics section... ^_^ Okay, and then after the ren faire, came back again and did a little more various cleaning up of the site, got rid of more of the boring header text, etc. Added more midis, too. Also I changed the way I'm doing updates, so you don't have to look at a huge file each time to see what I've added most recently. The previous updates are still stored in the site history below... whoa! I was reviewing that just now, and realized something - today is July 26, and I just passed 2000 hits. And June 26 was the day I hit 1000 hits! Wow, I'm even more baffled now than I was a minute ago. ^_^ July 24 - Finally got off my butt and finished Chapter 20, as I'd written the bulk of it a month or so ago, after getting the idea for it... inspired by a Smashing Pumpkins song, incidentally. Hmm, now I have a Smashing Pumpkins reference and a (very, very obscure) Dar Williams reference in this story. I wonder what song will inspire me next... Okay, also came back and added some... fan art. Sorta. Heehee... ^_^;; It's uhm... unusual. July 22 - Wow... a week without an update? Well tonight I just had to make a couple minor adjustments in the About Me section. Although I doubt anyone would be able to pick out what I did change... and even if they could, only a diehard RPGFFSMB poster would understand it. ^_^ Ah well... the ren faire went pretty well. So far. Still have this next weekend... then I'll get back to work, if I don't sooner. July 15 - Chapter 19. Read a fic tonight that just made me feel like writing mine... so I did. ^_^ And Chapter 20 is gonna be really cool, I think... if I can find time to finish it soon. July 13 - Added a new stupid fic in the Fics/Humor section... part of a series I intend to continue. I've had this idea for months, and it just sorta came together in my head right last night. (Also I was high on caffeine... X_X) Anyway, don't expect many updates for the next couple weeks, cause I'm working 8 hours a day, Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays and Sundays I'm volunteering and doing drama at the local Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire... Last year I volunteered too, and ended up working 10 hour days there. :P Of course, it was fun, and though I was glad it was over on that last Sunday, the following Saturday I wanted to do it again. ^_^;; So I'm gonna be working my butt off, with very little free web time. July 10 - Changed some colors (I'd forgotten my monitor is a bit darker than most, and even *I* wondered if the new colors were too intense... heh. Hopefully these aren't.) and added Chapter 18. I do love Nibelheim.... ^_^ Enjoy! July 8 - New layout is basically complete... I categorized a lot of things, and added new graphics, and just rearranged things. Most of the changes are cosmetic, and therefore I don't need to go into detail, cause you'll have seen them by the time you get to this page. ^_^ July 7 - Started a new layout for the main page, but it's almost 6 am and I'm not done yet, so I'll have to work out the rest of it tomorrow (or whenever I get back to it). Also updated my links page a little, and wrote a new short (and probably boring) fic for no reason whatsoever. (Oh yeah - FFT rocked! I didn't want to take it back... Probably I should break down and buy it. ^_^) July 4 - Chapter 17. This might be the last update I do this weekend, because I just rented Final Fantasy Tactics. ^_^ So, I'm going to go start my game now... enjoy! July 3 - Made a little site FAQ, since I was getting some recurring questions... Although considering how tired I am, a lot of it is just me goofing around and talking to myself. June 29 - Something I'm sure will make everyone quite happy... Chapter 16! And 17 is about 2/3s of the way done, too... June 28 - Got two counter gifts, which have been added (in the little link right under the counter, till I find somewhere nicer to put them). And drew this gorgeous picture of Sephiroth... and still no scanner. I really need to do something about this... On the brighter side, my fan art section will get a lot bigger and a lot nicer once I do have the scanner working. Heh. June 26 - Yeah! 1000 hits! (Pathetic how excited I am over that little number, isn't it? ^_^) Anyway, not much of an update, really... added a few links, took out a couple bad ones. Was going to add another chapter of Misbegotten, but it's 4:30am and I'm not quite finished... Maybe tomorrow. ^_^ June 25 - Ah yeah! In honor of FFVII's release on the PC and (grudgingly) the release of Windows 98, there's now another strange graphic in the Weird Crap section to show my true feelings about the wonderful, benevolent corporation that is Microsoft. (Er, oops, I always get "benevolent" confused with "malevolent".) Also, happy birthday SK! ^_^ June 23 - Since my little animated "FFVII for the Atari 2600" gif went over so well on RPGamer (and who was it that was talking about it on Dalnet anyway, huh? ^_^) I put a link to it in my Weird Stuff. Also added some new silly wallpaper there, and messed with the background colors in Misbegotten, cause reading black letters on bright white pages was kinda hard on the eyes... And updated my profile a bit, too. June 19 - Uploaded a short and very stupid (purposely so, I might add) fic I wrote while in a state of extreme exhaustion and low blood sugar... Heh. It answers that burning question (hmm... there's gotta be a pun there somewhere): does Sephiroth like TMBG? ...Oh yeah. Still no scanner. Growl. June 18 - Ta-da! Chapter 15 of Misbegotten is now up... I hope it doesn't suck. ^_^ I was sort of discouraged by the crap with my computer... which I am going to attempt to take apart and put back together as soon as I finish this update, in hopes of getting my scanner to work again. What a night... Also added my first fan art of characters from my fics (other than my own, of course)! I feel so loved... ^,^ June 15 - Hmm, I think I must be in a really weird mood, considering the updates I made. (Particularly the uhm... stuff by the guestbook...dunno what I was thinking, but it made me laugh!) Also uploaded a jpg version of the wallpaper I'm using now, and that's in the Weird Crap section, for good reason... This is the product of too little sleep, too much caffeine. ^_^ Also added a couple more midis. June 11 - Finally got myself a guestbook, since I was sick of trying to reply to email and having it bounced back at me... I felt bad... So there you go... Also I drew this really great picture tonight (I actually drew Kit right for a change!) which I want to add to my fanfic's title page, but... no scanner. T_T Stupid Win95, the card is so in the slot! June 8 - Okay! Much better mood now... after two days straight working on it, with very little food or sleep, I am now on my new computer, and this thing friggin' flies! ^_^ New HD and CPU, now I'm at 300mhz! Yay! Also, I managed to fix some of the files, including that long story I thought I'd have to start over! ^,^ However, I can't get the scanner to work... Obviously there's still much work to be done. But I am back, sort of (modem's still a little quirky), meaning more story soon. But I'm more concerned right now with making my new computer work right. ^_^ Thanks for your mail, and your support, I love all of ya! Hakuden is so pleased with you all, he now will let you pet him! ^_~ Oh yeah, and I just wanted to say... dang! Midis sound pretty darn awesome with my new Awe64 Gold! ^_^ June 5 - AAAAACK! Major crisis here... My hard drive is screwed up, and I lost all the files that were in the homepage directories on my HD! -_- So I'll have to remake all the files I planned to upload soon... but this is the worst part: one of the files I couldn't save was the rather large sequel to Misbegotten, and I didn't have a backup of it... T_T Now I'll have to start over from scratch... but at least Misbegotten's safe on disk. *sigh* Also if anyone's sent email in the last couple days and not gotten a response, it's probably because I got it but then the file got corrupted... So I'm really sorry, but I have to build a new computer before I can get on the web again (I'm at my parents' house now using theirs) so bear with me... I'll be back soon... T_T June 2 - Heheh.. added one of the strangest pictures I've ever drawn in the fan art section. (What was I thinking?!) Also worked on character info, and just in general tidied up the main page. May 30 - Not much this time, just another chapter and I fixed the typos in my FF8 rumor section (I wrote that when I was really tired, in case you couldn't tell ^_~). May 25 - I was tired of a plain black background, so now my page has stars (or fireflies, or lifestream, or something) on it! And now there's some banners in case anyone actually wants to link to this site (yeah, right!) and I also made the logo for my fanfic look better, and (heehehe) KabukiFrog emailed me the URL to something really funny... which I added to the bottom of the Sephy shrine. If you have as sick a mind as me, check it out - you won't be disappointed! -- oh yeah, also added Taylor's pics to the fan art section and made up some more Weird Crap (this time about FF8!) May 24 - One reason I haven't been working on the fanfic as much is because lately I've been more in the mood to draw... so, a new picture in the fan art section. ^_^ Of Vincent, who I never tried to draw before today. May 22 - Hah! Told you I'd have another chapter, and I bet you didn't believe me! ^_^ May 21 - Finally, that new chapter I've been promising. For that, you have to thank a certain person who emailed me some veiled threats as to what happens to writers who don't finish fanfics... ^_~ Seriously, nothing encourages me to update a section like someone writing and telling me they want to see more of [name of item], so if you think it's been too long since I updated something, just let me know. Anyway, I should have another chapter tomorrow. Maybe tonight even. Depends if they let me off work 5 hours early again. ^_^ May 18 - Worked a little bit on the Character Info section... started adding other FF games, cause I was in a nostalgic mood and thinking about Kain (*sigh* poor brainwashed sweetie Kain). And I'm still not done with the next chapter of Misbegotten, because I started writing two new fanfics - one about Shera and Cid, and the other is actually finished... except since it's a short story that's pretty much a follow-up to the sequel to Misbegotten, well... can't very well post it, can I? I hate when I get that far ahead of myself... -_-;; May 15 - Gee, I get off work 5 hours early on my 21st birthday and what do I do? Go home and update my web page. ^_~ Seriously though, it's more fun than I've had on my last couple birthdays... especially with the news of FFVIII, which of course I had to post immediately. Also added some more "Weird Crap" (well, rearranged, corrected, and added) and decided to add a midi to my front page, because I think I have some nice ones. I'll rotate the one that's up there every time I get sick of it, or find another one I like more. May 13 - Haven't been updating much lately (thanks to actually having a real life ^_~) but when I found the FFVIII logo, well I just had to post it. More of Misbegotten, coming soon. (Hopefully. You see, I'm not writing the chapters necessarily in order. -_-;;) May 5 - Added Indigo's pic (yay, my first submission! I feel big-time now...), a pretty logo for Misbegotten (font courtesy of Paul, thank you Paul!), had a look at my Sephy shrine and suddenly realized that I never finished it, and that I was confused about a lot of things in Sephiroth's past and so what I'd written was wrong. -_-; So I (sorta) finished that and corrected what I had... I think... darnit, Sephy's past is so darn confusing! But hey, look at all I've gotten up here in two months... cool! Oh yeah... and I made one of those "About Me" sections that probably no one ever reads except me. May 3 - (Actually over the last week) Added some more links, another chapter, added a screen shot to Cid's info, of my favorite Cid moment (heehee!), and fixed a few little things here and there. April 26 - Two more chapters, another little bit of Sephy vs. Spice Girls, more weird crap. (Wait, most of the stuff on this site is already weird crap! ^,^) April 23 - Didn't feel creative, so I stuck to uploading lots of screen shots to the gallery. April 17 - Applied to some more webrings, started the links page, found a couple really funny Pee Wee Herman sites... Well okay, that has nothing to do with the updates of this page, except that I was laughing so hard at the sound files that I spent an hour there when I could have been updating ^_~ April 15 - Finally was able to get through and add more midis, and the web ring html fragment, and make the title page of my fanfic a little nicer looking. April 5 - Added a whole bunch of midis, and chapter 8. And just sort of finetuned a few other things. March 27 - More Sephi vs. Spices (I'm REALLY enjoying this, by the way). March 25 - Sephiroth vs. the Spice Girls was begun. March 20 - Added a screen shots gallery, since i was accumulating a bunch of cool shots with nowhere to go... March 19 - After 4 days of frustration, FortuneCity's server was NOT too busy to let me use the file manager to upload more midis and fan art. About time! March 15 - Added a little fan art... that' s about it. March 14 - The only update for 3 days now has been my continually up -to-date annoyance that FortuneCity's server is "a little busy at the moment and couldn't service your request." Grr... finally I recalled that I can ftp instead of using the file manager to upload. This was a breakthrough! ^,^ So the sounds page, Sephi shrine, and main page have been tweaked a little now. (Also, I got Vincent today! Yay, he's neat!) March 9 - After installing and playing with my new video capture toy for awhile, decided I'd better upload some of the great screen shots of Sephi that I got, and work on the shrine a little. Also made myself a logo (which I'm rather proud of) and got the Sailor Barret picture up. ^,~ Let's see... also added a counter and the midis that I had lying around, and adopted Hakuden. March 6 - Uploaded a little bit of the character info, and two more chapters. March 5, 1998 - Uploaded index.html. ^,^ Also uploaded the Sephy vs. Fabio stuff, and the first two chapters of Misbegotten. |
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