Easter pic! The explanation behind this is... well, the FF continuum's own Easter Bunny tries to enlist the closest thing it can find to a baby chicken to help deliver eggs. However, when the black mages discover that Bobby Corwen is missing, not knowing what Easter is, they are not amused. ;) Ask first next time, Lagomorph! |
Alma and Zalbag out to enjoy a spring day... they're my two favorite Beoulves, so I had to draw them eventually, and finally got inspired to do so while listening to a cheerful, Celtic-ish tune from Richard Shindell, called Spring. I had fun making dandelions. :D |
My thank-you pic to TNC's visitors for 40,000 hits, featuring FFIV's version of Shiva... or, as I like to refer to her, my little punk pixie. :D |
Second in the series of "Cait Sith has a really bad day" crossover-with-monster-catching-anime fan arts - this time, Cait comes face to face with his Pokemon counterpart(s)! ...Sort of. And they don't look happy to meet him. ;) |
A warped idea that sprung into my head from out of nowhere. I'd been meaning to draw the Eared Mew from Monster Rancher ever since I saw an episode of the anime with him, and for some reason I thought he and Cait would get along nicely. ...Or not. :D And sadly, this inspired a trilogy of fan art in this theme... |
Steiner's under attack! But by who...? Bahahaha....
This is just one of those things that popped into my head. Somehow Steiner just seems like the sort of unlucky guy who would end up inspiring this kind of response without doing a thing to deserve it. |
Rather odd way to draw a character for the first time - in clothes unlike anything you'd likely see her wearing in the game - but for some reason I just wanted to draw Freya in this outfit. I guess if FFIX had had the modern setting like FFVII or FFVIII, this might be what she'd look like... if she was still a demi-human. =) |
Vivi with bunnies. Drawn because these are the two things that I find cute which do not disgust me with their cutesiness. And therefore, the unofficial title of this picture is "The Cutest Fan Art Ever". ;) Someone liked it enough they wanted a larger version for use as wallpaper, too, so here's an 800x600 version in case anyone else wants it. ;) (By the way, three of the rabbits in this picture are based on mine... Troy is dozing by his left foot, he's petting Zipper, and Teddy is very much in character - he's the one eating Vivi's hat!) |
I've tried to draw Fujin before, but it just never quite worked out... till I came across a page with pictures of a J-pop star with an absolutely perfect face. And so I started drawing a picture based on one of her photos, and ... well, changed nearly everything and it became Fuu after all. ;) |
When I first saw Faris's Dancer outfit, I thought it was a traditional kimono or something, which cracked me up, because she's a pirate, you know? It was really uncharacteristic... but then I saw some Japanese game art which had a little SD Dancer Faris, and it cracked me up even more, cause she was dressed like... like Paula Abdul or something! So I absolutely had to draw this. ;) I'm actually pretty happy with this, because 1: I actually spent time CGing the hair. 2: I found a picture of boots like the ones I wanted her to be wearing, and figured out how to give them a nice shiny appearance. 3: This is the first time I've drawn Faris looking more or less like the mental picture the sprite gives me... slender, pretty, but not too feminine, with the hair partially covering her face. Looking just at the face, she could pass as a man... |
Since someone I know is making a moogle page, and was talking about them, I felt like trying to draw another moogle pic, and somehow came up with this. Originally it was going to be a moogle wearing armor and carrying weapons, perhaps one of the ones who fought with Locke early on, but maybe this is Mog after training with Sabin...? Eh, who cares, it's cute, and it's the first CG pic I've been reasonably satisfied with since the SD Kain. Which shows you how often I'm pleased with my own work... |
I've never liked an NPC so much as I like FFV's Mid - and I've barely even met him! Just... the part where you find and battle Biblos, and Mid turns around and... hahaha, I won't spoil it for anyone. But he seems to get absorbed in books the same way I always have. And in the official artwork, he's wearing glasses! I like characters with glasses. So I thought I'd draw a little tribute to that scene... but I couldn't remember what Biblos looks like, so instead I just drew some random freaky demon in there. I don't think I got Mid's hair right either, but what the heck - mostly I only had a 16-bit sprite to work from. |
This one's almost seasonal, since Edea's a "witch"... ;) Actually, this was originally going to be a picture of the Queen of Cards, just because I like her outfit, but then I decided I felt like drawing the bottom of Edea's dress instead of Queenie's. Edea's actually remarkably easy to draw, just time-consuming... so many tiny details... O_o I like the... uhm... thing she has on her back though. Whatever it's supposed to be. And I'm fairly satisfied with this pic... definitely can see my old comic book influences returning, rather than my recent failed attempts at anime-style taking over. |
Hahaha, ever since I got the FF8 OST and saw the track named "Maybe I'm a Lion," I had this goofy idea in my head for a pic... I have no idea why exactly. :P Anyway, that was about 6 months ago. About time I drew it, huh? Although it turned out to be seasonal, since I waited so long - Halloween's just around the corner! So this is my Happy Halloween pic. ;) |
Well hey, I said below I wanted to draw Carbuncle. ;) This is really the first piece I've done for a long time that has no Photoshop enhancements whatsoever... although the scanner kinda made it a little funky, and maybe I should fix that. At any rate, I like it. I always figured the first summoned creature I would end up drawing would be Shiva, but Carbuncle's so cute, I couldn't resist. ;) |
My first piece of FF8 fan art, and obviously it had to be him. Or Fujin, or Carbuncle. But no, Laguna. I really am not happy with this, especially considering that the scanner ruined a bunch of the shading and tiny nuances that looked so good on paper, but hey, it's a first attempt. And as mentioned below, it took me well over a year before I finally did a Sephiroth picture I was happy with. I expect it'll be just as hard to capture Laguna's charms... |
FFV's Faris. I've been wanting to draw her for a long time now just because of the fact she has cool long purple hair, and also I've been wanting to draw something to do with a Dar Williams lyric... So I was drawing Faris, and remembered Dar's song "The Ocean", my personal favorite, and realized it went well with a certain very sad scene in the game... |
*gasp* Imagine - another Sephiroth pic! I wouldn't even bother posting these anymore, but there's something special about this one: I'm fairly pleased with it! :D I was looking at a screenshot of Seph inside that materia cocoon in the crater, and decided to draw that picture in my own style... *sigh* He's my muse... |
This isn't actually all that new - just a sketch I was playing in Photoshop with awhile back and forgot about. Then I came across it while cleaning out a graphics folder, and realized it wasn't all that bad. |
What, a FF7 pic from me that isn't Sephiroth? Ah, but I've been a Cait Sith fan for awhile, and finally decided I should try drawing him... He's actually quite fun to draw, and goes well with my style. I think I'll be drawing him again often... |
Sevon inspired this one, with this thing about Seph and Elmdor being "Team Assassin" she had in her defaults, which was highly amusing. Then I started thinking, those Team Rocket outfits are pretty cool (And James looks so darned sexy in his!) so maybe I should try drawing Seph in one. I tried to emulate the style of the Pokémon anime in this pic, with... limited success. :P But at least it's nice and funny. |
Yep, yet another Seph pic... I always thought he'd look darned cute wearing just ordinary street clothes for some reason. More accessible, maybe? Anyway, here's a young Sephiroth gazing out the windows of the Shinra building at the skyline of Midgar, a city owned by Shinra just as he is himself... It was just a quick sketch, but a couple filters made it look presentable... |
My first (serious) FFT piece! This pic was originally going to be Ramza and Delita, but then I decided I didn't feel like trying to draw Delita's hair, so I put Mustadio in instead. ;) I left this purposely sketchy, with some of the guidelines drawn in.. not sure why I wanted that look. I couldn't get the combination of filters quite as I wanted either. Ah well. |
This is Fritz Fraundorf's fault. We were talking about recurring weird creatures on IRC, and somehow this fella came up. Heehee... He's a tough little guy, for being so cute. Sorta creepy, too... |
Yes, yes, another pic of my beloved. He's so fun to draw though! The background is a photo of a galaxy in Orion, which is my favorite constellation... I wanted to use one from Scorpio (he acts like one) but I couldn't find one... :( Oh well... |
Heheh, I love Kain... he's so cool. As if you couldn't tell I love Kain from looking at my fanfics. Heehee... and wait till you see me gush about how awesome he is in the Info section! |
A cuddly, yet still vengeful, replica of FFT's Marquis Elmdor. Heh, this was inspired by a late-night IRC session where I was just screwing around, and now it's one of my registered handles on EsperNet. ^_^ |
I had this idea in the middle of the night, and I couldn't get back to sleep until I drew it. I have NO clue what inspired it though, especially when I was trying to sleep. :P This is one I really should color... |
My favorite female characters from the last 4 FF games. Not sure why I drew this... Guess it was a whim. I really should color it so Rydia looks more like Rydia. :P |
And here's another, the first full-body pic I've done of her yet! Much better than the crappy pre-Photoshop color job I did before... |
Another pic of Kit, but this time in my usual style rather than me trying to draw anime. Sigh... that didn't go well with my personal style at all, really.. I draw better like this. |
Finally cleaned this one up and made it look a bit nicer with Photoshop... this is probably one of my favorites of my own work. Mostly just because of the mood of the thing... |
It was sort of light, cause it's in pencil and I liked it so much I was afraid to ink it, lest I screw it up. But then J. Parish kindly cleaned up and toned it for me (much less difficult on the eyes, thanks a ton ^_^), so there ya go! |
One of the weirdest pictures I've drawn lately. A rather cartoony, mangafied pic of me showing Sephiroth my favorite action figure... heh. (What's scary is, it really does look like me...) |
Aeris, chibi-style and cute. I was really tired when I drew this. |
Kit, from my fanfic. This picture was basically an experimentation with colorizing my line drawings, but it turned out nice. |
One of the first pictures I drew of Sephiroth. (and it's not manga style, how'd that happen? I was always trying to draw manga-style back then...) |