
¤ Serious Fics ¤ Silly Fics ¤ Weird Crap ¤
¤ The Final Fantasy Purity Test ¤Somebody probably already had this idea... but if so, I couldn't find it anywhere, so I made my own, darnit! ;) Test your level of obsession here... But be warned, it's a bit on the tough side.
¤ Sephiroth vs. Pirate Fabio ¤This takes some explaining. I mail-ordered a really cool Sephy action figure, and late one night at work, I had this brilliant idea - Sephy should fight some other action figures and prove his supremacy! So here's the first round.
¤ Sephiroth vs. the Spice Girls ¤Someone who deserves swords stuck through their chests far more than uhh... you know who. ^,~ No action figures this time though...(Not finished, probably never will be. :P But it's still amusing... I think!)
¤ Song Parodies ¤This is mostly stuff contributed to me by Robert Silvers... who for some strange reason has no problem with the idea of Sephiroth rapping. O_o;;
¤ Fake Stuff ¤Don't take any of this stuff seriously, or I shall have to hurt you, Pinky. Yes, this is where you will find the infamous "FFVII for the Atari 2600" gif. ^_^
¤ Random Insanity ¤Mostly this is just completely bizarre thoughts I have, or whatnot... Stuff that really shouldn't be on any self-respecting page in the first place. Too bad!