Double Agent
Emergency Warning System - August 6, 2000 - Chris Jones

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. If it helps, imagine a long beep in this space. Don't say we didn't warn you.

AK got computer problems tonight, and I found out too late to step in. But, fortunately, not too late to put up this meaningless drivel and change the mail link. So send me some mail at, or otherwise the whole of tomorrow's column will consist of me vainly trying to cover up the fact that I have nothing to talk about, kinda like I'm doing right now. And nobody wants that, do they? Didn't think so.

-Chris Jones

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Send me email. Because I say so, that's why.
DA FAQ is here. It really is Chris' thing, and doesn't really apply to days that AK hosts, but is great reading nonetheless. And this link really looks cool, so I don't want to delete it just because I don't use the same rules.