Quest 44 The Cage of Dreams More quests

Prerequisites: Heaven's Gate or Teardrop Crystal or The Crimson Dragon

   Throughout the game, the Mana Tree icon in the upper-left corner of the map screen has been steadily blossoming. Eventually, after completing enough quests (including at least one of the three main story arcs), it will be fully blossomed. Then, when you return home, you'll be greeted by several Sproutlings talking to Li'l Cactus about the big tree they are all part of.

   Enter your house proper and then leave again. The Sproutling that always stood outside your house is gone; he's been taken by Nunuzac. The "The Cage of Dreams" quest begins. Follow the trail of leaves around to the back of your house and enter the workshops. Nunuzac and Belle are arguing; when the dialogue concludes, try to leave the shop and Pokiehl enters. He'll talk some more. When he's done, talk to Nunuzac.

   You'll be warped into a gray cave. Each room here has a different name, such as "Thorn of Hope" or "Knowledge and its Pitfall." Just walk through them all, fighting off the enemies, until you reach the missing Sproutling. Talk to him and you'll receive the Mana Sword, the key to creating the game's final Land.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Little Sproutlings."
Cactus Diary:
"Grandpa sorcerer hid a Sproutling in his dream! Wow, that grandpa can really do amazing things. I wonder if I can do that?"

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