Quest 17 Heaven's Gate More quests

Prerequisites: Star-Crossed Lovers

   Make one more trip to the Dreamweaving Room and Matilda will give you the AF Brooch of Love. This artifact can be used over either land or water to create Lucemia. Be sure to take care any of necessary preparations before clicking on it, since there's no way out once you do (until you finish the quest of course). If there's more than one of the Seven Wisdoms you haven't met, you can bring Bud along to have him meet Selva; however, if Selva is the last Wisdom, don't bring Bud if you want to get all the Cactus Diaries.

   When you click on Lucemia on the map, the Cancun Bird will pick you up and take you onto the Lucemia tile. Click on Lucemia again to enter. You'll begin on the monster's back; go northwest two screens, descend the "ramp", and enter the hole. Inside Lucemia, go northeast one screen. The left of the two forks will lead to a short passage with a Zombie Claw at the end; however, it also contains the rare Sand Scorpion enemy. If you want to fill out your monster log, be sure to battle one. Otherwise, just take the fork on the right and proceed until you find a gap leading outside.

   Selva will fly down and ask you if you're dead-set on proceeding. Answer in the affirmative and he'll jet off again. Go up the ramp he was guarding and exit to the northwest. Descend again and venture back inside Lucemia. Go east two screens, grab the all-important Dragon's Blood from the chest (it's great for tempering weapons with), then continue north to a fork. The left passage leads to more Sand Scorpions and a chest with a Raven Feather; the one on the right leads further into the dungeon. That fork eventually leads to a door at the top of two staircases; skip it, it leads to a dead end. The real exit is further west, next to a chest with a Ghost's Howl.

   Selva appears again to confirm that you're absolutely positively really sure you want to continue. Again, make him buzz off by answering "yes" and ascend the ramp he was guarding. Go two screens northeast, descend, and enter the cave entrance. This area is completely straightforward; just head left until you're back outside. Proceed along Lucemia's back for a few more screens until you reach the tail, where Irwin is waiting.

   Most of Irwin's attacks can be dodged by getting behind him whenever he starts doing any sort of "attack" animation. When he begins "charging up" with his (relatively) human form, move to the lower-left corner to dodge the flare attack he's about to use. After defeating Irwin, Lucemia begins to disintegrate, and the Cancun Bird spirits you back to Gato in time to watch the sad ending to the Irwin saga. (Note that Lucemia has collapsed and is no longer an active map area.)

Li'l Cactus' quote: "How long!"
Cactus Diary:
"A big big big big snake snake snake! My master walked inside a snake and went up to its head to fight a demon. Do you think I believe that kind of story?"

Legend of Mana Guide