Sketch Artist

   Okay, I know this update is incredibly late, and I'm sorry. The whole Sketch Artist thing is in sort of a transitory state right now, as are several other areas of my life, and it's kind of one of these times where it's hard to get anything done. But you're not here to listen to excuses, so I'll shut up, and hopefully I'll be able to do better in the near future. I wouldn't be too surprised if the bi-weekly updates become weekly for a little while though, or you see someone else filling in for a few weeks.

   Anyway, since there was such a long wait, there's a ton of pictures here, and to talk about them all in the detail such great works deserve would make my hands non-functional for a few days. So I'll just say -- three galleries, twenty-four pictures, and a variety of titles despite the fact that the wave of FF8 fandom seems to be beginning. Not that I mind that trend a bit, as long as it brings lots of excellent Laguna pics. I love that guy.

   -- Sorceress Andrea

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