Sketch Artist

   I know this is where I'd usually put some descriptions of the artwork for this update. But see, I've been having a busy week, and a lousy day, so hopefully you can forgive me for being brief. However, I will say this -- every single piece of artwork in today's update is of incredible quality, and putting it together did give me a certain amount of pleasure just because I got to look it all over again.

   And now, if you're just here to look at pretty pictures and that's all, you can skip this next part... Twice recently, Sketch Artist contributors have mentioned being badgered by people who think they stole their artwork from some other artist. As the curator of this gallery, that's something I do worry about from time to time, considering I get a lot of artwork from people I don't really know.

   But you see, I take full responsibility for what's posted in this gallery. If you see a piece that you know is credited improperly, then don't email the person who it's credited to -- email me. But be prepared to provide solid evidence of this supposed theft (like a website where the piece in question was posted under a different name, for example), because "that just looks like so-and-so's drawing style" really doesn't cut it. Some artists just draw from similar influences, and have similar styles naturally. It's not theft to draw in a similar way as someone else, so for crying out loud, don't accuse the artists just because they draw in a certain way. Sorry if this sounds incredibly ticked off, but I've always believed in innocent until proven guilty. I've dealt with this problem before on one of my personal sites, and I assure you I'd be happy to handle things professionally here as well.

   I'm almost certain I've got a couple pieces in my submissions folder that I just missed today... look for them on Friday, when hopefully I'll have things a little bit more organized.

   -- Andrea Hartmann

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