Sketch Artist

   This edition of Sketch Artist witnesses the arrival of G.I.A.'s very first (and second) puzzle game related fan artworks. Hurrah! These will always be few and far between, of course, so it's always neat when one pops up. Brief observation of the two might inspire the question, "Does all puzzle game fan art have to be cute?" The answer, of course, is no; puzzle game fan art can be either sugary cute or obscenely geometric.

   Flanking the puzzlers are four more traditional RPG fan arts. Hyrdachild and Kouryuu contribute more solid efforts with "Meia Embraces Alundra" and "Rinoa Heartilly." Tania Giroux returns with "She Is the Nexus," a fitting depiction of Terra's more carnal esper half. The piece radiates a raw and chaotic feel developed not only by Terra's wild form but also the churning, storm-like background. Last on the tab is Kei's "In the Ocean of Stars." The superimposition of the portrait of Leon over a field of radiant stars is pulled off quite well, as the transparency of the outer fringes of his hair lends a transcendental air to the piece. This well achieved sidereal theme takes what already was a competent piece to new heights (pun intended).

Meia Embraces Alundra

Sweet Dreams
Bust-a-Move 3 DX

She Is the Nexus
Final Fantasy VI

Rinoa Heartilly
Final Fantasy VIII

My Favorite Puzzle Fighters!
Puzzle Fighter

In the Ocean of Stars
Star Ocean: The Second Story
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