She Is the Nexus
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Tania Giroux Pencil on paper / Photoshop Emroyka's Domain
Artist's Commentary

Not your typical pencil-on-paper drawing, is it? :-)
This piece started out as a very rough sketch in the margins of a notebook. I suppose I was exploring the alleged animalistic attributes of Espers -- thus the jagged broken lines, the curve of her imposing stance, and the distortion of her "human" features, among other things.
I get a sense of strength from this piece, physical rather than spiritual. Perhaps this is because magic seemed something intrinsic in Espers (instinct), but nothing more than a learned ability in humans.
Terra is a gentle persona in human form; her Esper characterization, however, highlights traits that are usually hidden, so casting her in this avenging "body-tattooed" pose produced an intriguing result... :-)

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