Sketch Artist

   Before we get down to things, an important announcement: I'm having trouble with my gaming intelligence address, so if you've sent anything in the past two or so days or wish to submit anything in the immediate future, please use the following address:

   As for the artwork, first time contributor Kouryuu offers a dark and detailed perspective of a familiar RPG hero with "Dragoon Kain." Interestingly enough, this is the second depiction of Kain in Sketch Artist where the artist chose to focus on his equipment more than on the character himself (the first being Tania Giroux's "Kain," featured in the November 29th gallery). The negative color scheme and heavily emphasized outlines of the piece give the elaborate designs of Kain's armor an appreciable depth and shine and make them jump out at the viewer.

   This edition's other new artist is Hydrachild, Wulfmune's partner in crime over at Jiro-Chan *Start Here*. Like Wulfmune, she is adept at using prismacolor markers to make her anime-influenced artwork spring to life off of the paper, or in this case, the monitor. The level of detail of both of her Tales of Destiny pieces is high, especially in each character's "swordian." Her depcition of metallic sheen in "Garr" is also quite effective.

   Speaking of Wulfmune, "Fortuner" is another beauty not to be missed. The aesthetic balance of form and color speaks for itself.

   Vera Laluz also shows off her mastery of coloring in "Denim Powell." While not as vivid as Wulfmune's markers, her more subtle use of watercolors is equally as effective in giving the piece incredible chromatic detail.

   Amber Michelle returns with another Xenogears picture, "Soul Vessel." The faded background image of Elly in this piece serves to emphasize the sharpness of her image in the foreground. The slight tilt of Elly's head and directionless gaze of her eyes reinforce the pensive theme of the piece.

Dragoon Kain
Final Fantasy IV

Master of Monsters

Denim Powell
Tactics Ogre

Tales of Destiny

Tales of Destiny

Soul Vessel
Recent Artwork
12.17.98 12.13.98
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