Heya kids, it's been a while. Did ya miss me?
I'm still working on some nifty doo-dads behind the scenes, but alas, they're not quite ready at the moment. As a result I'm running a smidgeon behind schedule, but I plan to compensate by making the next update extra early. Of course I tend to stick to my plans about as well as a Teflon surface, but never mind that.
I've really enjoyed the variety of both subject and content in this week's update - there's a great mix of games covered, and the mood ranges from amusing to somber. You guys should give yourself a big, hearty pat on the back. Stand-out pieces (for me, anyway) include Duncan Burris' rare and stylish tribute to the great game that time forgot, Panzer Dragoon Saga; Tina S. gives us a gorgeously-drawn vignette of Final Fantasy VIII's Ellone; Shadowshrimp's erroneous take on Chrono Cross offers a thoroughly original look at Kid; and Rachel S. Young presents yet another pic of Sydney Losstarot - one that would have been quite seasonal, had I updated a week ago. Whoops...
Anyway, we're about to plunge headfirst into the thickest batch of great RPGs I've ever seen, so I expect to see plenty of submissions from FFIX, Skies of Arcadia, Lunar 2, Shen Mue, Zelda: MM and so forth pouring in soon. But there's plenty of room for the classics, too - you wouldn't just turn your back on your old friends, would you? Of course not.
So happy gaming, and happy drawing. Until next time, I'm....
-- J. Parish, Bunny-Girl Extraordinaire.