02.11.99 Assorted merchandise | 1 | 2 More...

   We've taken all the previous merchandise updates and consolidated all the photos into this one grouping. New products are also included below, such as a very sleek Seiko watch retailing for $185 US, and a stationary set for students. Remember, there's more products on the second page -- click on the "2" above to view it.

   Additionally, NCS, a popular videogame importer, plans to offer a few of these products shortly in their catalog. We just hope they carry those funky leather pants...

Item Yen US Dollars (approx)
Squall's leather jacket & pants 88,000 $800
Squall's leather jacket 49,800 $450
Squall's leather pants 39,800 $350
Squall's necklace 18,000 $160
Zippo Limited Edition Lighter 15,000 $130
Master Tonberry (Pug) doll 2,000 $20
Sabotender (Cactrot) doll 2,000 $20
Collectable phone card 2,000 $20
Collectable phone card, limited edition 7,000 $60
Card carrying case 2,000 $20
Poster 1,000 $10
T-shirts 3,000 $25
Silver ring 8,000 $70
Stationary set 2,500 $20
Seiko Airpro Emidair FF VIII watch 21,000 $185

Final Fantasy VIII