FF VIII mod-chip confusion

[02.09.99] » Conflicting reports create confusion and headaches for consumers looking to import Final Fantasy VIII.

   Late yesterday, we mentioned that video game import juggernaut NCS received a report from one of their suppliers asserting Final Fantasy VIII would not carry any protections designed to prevent PlayStations equipped with a mod-chip from booting the game. Since then, however, the company has heard conflicting stories from two separate sources that Square's RPG does, in fact, carry this mod-chip protection scheme.

   Getting a headache yet? Importers eager to get their hands on Square's latest are likely pulling their hair out at the latest news, especially those who initially reserved the game, cancelled upon hearing of mod-chip protection schemes, and furiously attempted to re-reserve the game with yesterday's welcomed news. Don't lose all hope just yet, though. Should Final Fantasy VIII indeed make use of the mod-chip encryption, several options are available, such as waiting for a special GameShark code designed to bypass protection to become available (already available for the mod-chip protected IQ Final and Poporogue), or attempting an installation of the new breed of "stealth" mod-chips.

   We'll bring you more information on the FF VIII mod-chip situation as soon as it becomes available.

[source] » NCS Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Final Fantasy VIII
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