TGS: Onimusha's shift to PlayStation 2 confirmed

[09.17.99] » Capcom is definitely moving its ninja adventure game to the PSX2, but new gameplay features have been added.

   As previously speculated, Capcom's latest survival horror title, Onimusha: The Demon Warrior, will remain exclusive to the PlayStation 2 -- the earlier, PlayStation incarnation has been cancelled. The move to the PSX2 allows for a significant graphical upgrades: the pre-rendered backgrounds have been replaced by nearly identical real-time polygonal ones, allowing for better camera control.

   Several other new gameplay elements have also been tossed into the mix. The main character, a ninja, will generally wield swords; a variety of blades are available, and excess weapons and items can be stored in Resident Evil-style storage chests. The hero also possesses a mysterious item known as the Demon's Head, which serves both as a shield and as a weapon. He'll need more than just these weapons, however, as the game is said to possess a heavy puzzle-solving element.

   Featuring a story by Flagship (of Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, and Zelda: Acorn of the Mystical Tree fame), Onimusha is due out in Japan next winter, close to the PlayStation 2 launch.

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