Shin Megami Tensei II delayed in Japan

[09.28.01] » Embittered importing MegaTen fans now have two more months to stew.

   Atlus has announced that the second of its three Shin Megami Tensei remakes of has been pushed back nearly two months from its previous date of October 25th to sometime in December. No reason was given for the delay.

   The company had previous planned to release all three remakes before the end of the year; however, it's unknown if the delay of Shin Megami Tensei II will cause a subsequent delay for the port of Shin Megami Tensei If... As usual with MegaTen games, there's no word on a possible US release for the remake, but if there were, that word would be "no."

[source] » MagicBox Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Shin Megami Tensei II
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