Emiko Shiratori to write "Aerith's Theme" remix lyrics

[05.12.01] » "Melodies of Life" singer contributes to bonus Final Fantasy X track.

   Square recently revealed on its PlayOnline site that Emiko Shiratori, singer of the Final Fantasy IX theme "Melodies of Life," will provide the lyrics for the remix of "Aerith's Theme." The winner of a recent survey on Square's Japanese PlayOnline site, "Aerith's Theme" will be remixed into a vocal track for inclusion on the CD single release of Final Fantasy X's theme, "Suteki da ne." Okinawan folk artist Rikki will sing both "Suteki da ne" and the "Aerith's Theme" remix.

   Interestingly, this is Shiratori's first song-writing contribution to the Final Fantasy series -- while she sang "Melodies of Life," its lyrics were written by one "Ciomi."

   Thanks to tennin for the news.

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