Double Agent
Fun fun fun. - August 22th, 1999 - Andrew Kaufmann

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot.

Well, I've moved back into dorm-land. I don't think you're interested, but I figured I would tell you anyway. Do I tell you because I'm an egotistical maniac and think that for some weird reason you would care? Yes. Call me... EgoBoy.

GIA Tactics

Well, I think my choices for a GIA-themed FFTactics party would be pretty predictable, but nevertheless here we go:

Drew: Mediator. The only class that causes damage with words.

You: Chemist, since you're the only person I know who could make a bong out of a Stone Gun.

Fritz: Mimic; his biting satires prove that imitation can be as damaging as it is flattering.

Allan: Black Wizard. He still wouldn't have to reveal his face.

Vestal: I'd rename Malak "AndrewV" because it's always funny when the top banana is turned into a worthless putz.

And the sexy, sexy, Brian Glick: a dancer. Shake that money-maker, beautiful - steal my heart wiznaibus!

Of course, we all know the rest of the staff would go off and form a party with Larissa and Kelvin, who would promptly kick the pudding out of the team I listed above. Pathetic. You guys need to boost your levels.

JP, you seem to have put some thought into this thing. Why? That confuses me. I think Vestal will take offence to being called Malak... hehehe. I love it.

And I thank you for the compliment. I think.

And now, GIA Tacrics. Subtle difference.

Well, he asked for suggestions for a GIA Tactics party.

Drew -- Mediator
Ha. Ha. Ha. Yes, I'm sure you get it too.

AK -- Dancer
Oh, wait. Male characters can't be dancers. Fine, Bard, then. (This statement does not reflect my personal views on anything at all.)

AV -- Chemist

Andrea -- Summoner
(judging from the drawing in one of the Northern Crater sections, this'd be most accurate)

Fritz -- Wizard
Because we have never, ever seen a photograph of his face.

Big Lick -- Knight
Because there isn't one in the party yet.

Tami -- Monk

OK. Remember, you can blame this on Drew. That's all.

--Matthew Schuele

Thanks for the submission Matt... but why would you want to make me a dancer? I'll trip over my feet and break another bone. Bard.. yeah.. guitar.. sing.. excellent! I like that better.


To all of you hard core gamers who hate Final Fantasy VII because it has 3D graphics even though the prerendered back grounds are 2D and 3D graphics are made of 2D polygons: You are spoony

-Not Spoony

And there we have it, from a Not Spoony man himself. I'd tend to agree. Graphics are a great addition to a game, but are not at the center. It's trite and uncreative, but it's the truth. Or so I'd like to believe.

WWF, RPG Edition

Have you ever played WWF Additude? You know the Create-a-Player? They should have something like that in an RPG, and I don't mean something like the begining of Bauldur's Gate. I mean 100% pure customization. That would kick ass. Yes, I am God, I know.

-Adam Yauch-

A feature a lot of sports games have... but one that I imagine would be hard to work into modern RPGs. Final Fantasy V and FF Tactics allow it to an extent, but total freedom makes a game difficult to code and plan out, storyline wise. And I see fewer and fewer total statistics based RPGs... the storyline has become a key part of games, and I imagine is here to stay.

The idea remains a good one, though. If it can be done well, it could be great. How's that for some fence-sitting?

GIA Tactics part three

Dear QAK,

Oh so you want to know what you guys would be if you were FF tactics characters? Simple. Drew would be a mediator of course, level 1 with no skills and armed with a squirt gun filled with his urine (he couldn't afford water). The brainiac AV would be a calculator, he'd only know how to count up to 1 but you'd be forced to use him as a guest for about 5 battles. To create in game tension the yellow-dyed black chocobo QAK (that's you buddy) and AV would constantly be arguing over who is THE MAN.

Fritz the Box Art knight armed with his trusty thumbnail would be insanely powerful. The charming Tamzen Marie Baker, Keeper of the Vault, would be a thief especially proficient in stealing hearts. Then we come to Allan "Heluva Tough" Milligan, he'd be transformed into a big black guy with a gold chain around his neck. Biglick would be that lovable dragon that can lick you anywhere on the map causing extreme fear and impotence.

Getting a little repetitive...I thought so.

Andrea would be that psycho cultist ninja that threw paint brushes and used cult priest spells. Ed McGlothin well he's a big fat chocobo that feeds the rest news. Then we come to the most hated characters in the entire game Kelvin and Larissa. While being loved before, once everyone finds out that their only useful attacks constantly miss and they always die first in any battle they'll be hunted for food by rabid "hardcore" gamers and bitchy "graphix whores" finally uniting the two and ending that stupid debate.

Sadly no one will play the game because of a bad translation and the mere thought of Drew saying "I had a good feeling" sends a shudder down their backs.

End of Story,
Alex Trabec, The New Universally Communist Soldier

Once again, my ego has been duly stroked. I mean, me, a chocobo! I can hardly believe it. Thanks for the time spent on the submission.

Waiting, and waiting..

Hey Andrew, the weekend letter guy. To sum up the previous day's column I agree with the majority. Now then, onto the point. Final Fantasy VIII (which I now envy you at the GIA for playing the English version) has been in the making and on the waiting lists of many for about a year. Point is, there are two types of ways that I have observed for people to wait for FFVIII: The Premature Desire and the Last Minute Wait. Here is an example of each:

The Premature Desire occurs when the Japanese version ships. This was a symptom all of my friends went through. Ex: "OH MY GOD, FINAL FANTASY VIII IS SEVEN MONTHS AWAY!!!!" Throughout all of this my exact words were "It's seven frigging months, for crying out loud! Get a grip!" But then again I'm not nearly as obsessed (they were fanatics for awhile) with FFVIII as they are. I'm guessing they were so crazy about it that they all have at least once masturbated to the image of Rinoa or Quistis. That's bad.

The Last Minute Wait is what I'm going through. Reading everything there is about FFVIII (remember, this can apply to all games that you wait for) is a common symptom. My friends are all now like "Two and a half weeks left....Cool." The tables are turned.

What is the point of this letter, you ask? No point, (there goes my chances for being printed) I just wanted to see if you get any interesting responses about how people have coped with the FFVIII syndrome.

The choice of printing is yours
Omega Rat

No one ever said letters had to be totally logical to be posted. It's all good. I think I'm somewhere in between... anticipation is, and has been, high. I think I'm more excited about getting my cast off toward the end of September, though...


I wrote to Andrew. Do I get a cookie?
- WB

Would you like chocolate chip or sugar?

Closing Comments

OK, I'll admit tonight was a bit of a lazy update. I chose letters that mostly spoke for themselves and didn't need my support. I also stayed away from the hardcore-gamer issue... which I'll probably delve into tomorrow. I kinda thought it'd be fun to have a day without too much fighting, and mostly points being peacefully made. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Until next time,

-Andrew Kaufmann

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