Double Agent
Useless! - March 23rd, 2002 - Drew Cosner

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. Button mashing doesn't work on finals. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Well, I don't know about all of you crazy people out there in reader land, but I'm at last enjoying a much-needed spring break. After what I swear felt like weeks of exams, reports, and homework assignments, I can finally spend time making erotic artwork out of jellybeans and toothpicks without feeling guilty about the class work I should be doing. Oh, and just to qualify: contrary to what my opening sentence may have led you to believe, I really don't care if you're on spring break yet or not. Please stop confusing my efforts to write conversational-sounding prose with an interest or concern for yourself and your activities. It's really irritating.

At any rate, it occured to me that I'm long overdue for a javascript-based gadget or something of that nature, like I used to make. Unfortuantely, since changing majors about 2 years ago, I haven't done a lick of programming. If I tried something like that now, I'd probably manage to make a gadget that worked perfectly on my system, while causing everyone else's to dispense ice cubes out of the CD tray. So I guess you're just going to have to cope with my usual brand of insipid, wholly textual DA-makin'.

For the obligatory reticent badass, he sure was a pansie

Drew -

Most useless character? Kimahri. He sucked bad. Unless you spent an extra few hours with him on Auron's grid, he was pathetic. Maybe if you could have used his blue magic at any time, he would have been all right, but as it stands, Wakka, Tidus, and Auron were a lot stronger, and Lulu and Yuna had their magic, and Rikku had her steal. Kimahri was just a waste of space. They only stuck him in to hit the 7 character rule that has plagued most RPGs as of late. And except for that one scene which was obligatory minimal development, he had no character.


Ray Stryker...visited in one night, unexpectedly, by relatives and friends from three different states...

Kimahri was, far and away, the most popular nominee. For good reason, too. Whereas every other character had his or her own unique area of the sphere board to traverse, Kimahri just sort of bumbled along through everyone else's fields of specialty, becoming an inept Jack-of-all-trades and wasting key spheres that could be better spent in the process. It's just a good thing Square had the foresight to make the only battle you were required to use him in really easy.

And now for the second-most popular nominee. Or nominees, as the case may be, since two characters more or less tied.

Death to Cozy

Death to Cozy,

Can I just say Raiden and be done with it?


Yes, please do. I'm tired of looking imcompetent when I blithely respond to emotional, mutli-paragraph affairs with one sentence apologizing for having nothing interesting to say. Which, due to the nature of today's topic, I do quite a bit today. Although, hey, that I can tell you the nature of today's column by the second letter proves that I do bother myself to shuffle letters around for the sake of fluidity. Or, less impressively, that I can forsee future events.

And the co-second-placer is:

Mork and Yorda

Heya Drew,

Yorda from ICO is by far the most useless character around. She always ignores what I say, opting to wander around and play with birds all day instead. Then she gets in trouble with those damn shadow monsters and who does she expect to save her? Me. Like I don't have more important things to do then fight back a bunch of demons. Cursed woman.


Yeah, I appreciate the fact that Yorda was supposed to be naive and sheltered, but she always came across as more of an airhead to me, as well.

They say the best things in life are free. Liers.

I saw an amusing signature once at a message board:

"In Hyrule, you get what you pay for, and Deku Nuts are free."

How very true.

-El Cid

That is truly remarkable wit, although nominating inanimate objects for a category like "most useless" strikes me as a bit strange. Like if the car from Blade won best supporting actor like I keep saying it should but nobody agrees with me so why should I let you get away with nominating an inanimate object and kiss my ass Academy of Motion Pictures.

It's okay, though, because I wanted to post one of the 5 letters that wasn't nomiating either Yorda or Kimahri.

Inept kobun

I always thought Servbot #5 (AKA Strange) from The Misadventures of Tron Bonne was pretty useless.

I mean, his initial attack and speed stats are an anemic 2, and they're pretty much static throughout the game, fighting's out. He seems to be pretty smart since his Brains level can go up to four, but it doesn't make him any more useful. After you spend your precious time sending him to random squares on the map grid to raise his IQ, does he use his newfound talent to appraise items or develop new weapons and armor for the Gustaff? No. He just hangs around the cafe begging Tron not to send him to the torture room. Hey lazy ass, since you're in the cafe all the time, would it kill you to help #21 in the kitchen? It ain't easy feeding 38 hungry Kobun in under a minute.

I swear, #11 may be the Failure, but at least he tries to better himself. The only thing Strange is good for is testing out the Torture Room. I guess Tron had a little too much "juice", "pop", or "whatever the hell replaces alcohol during translation" when building this one.

Torgo, "What the hell is this!? I ordered the Curry Rice, bitch!"

This topic doesn't leave me very much room for response, I must say.

Laki-ng Lester

Lakilester from Paper Mario gets my vote for most useless character from the last few years. Granted, his out-of-battle ability is essential to progress through some areas, but so is everyone else's. And you get him last, so his ability is around for the least amount of time and is thus less used. Heck, you get him so late that most of your other party members should already have their second power-up when you do, and so he'll need more catching up even though a power-up lies handily nearby.

But what I'm mainly talking about are his in-battle capabilities. All of the other characters have a well-defined niche they fulfill in battle - Bow is the best character to use against enemies with zero defense, Parakarry against fliers, and so on. Even Goombario has a use besides tattling, because his basic attack counts as a jump to enemies you have to knock over with one. But Lakilester has no niche and doesn't really shine in any area. Paper Mario seems to be all about using the right character in the right situations, and with no situations in which he's best, Lakilester is never needed. One can completely ignore him and his lackluster skills in all of the battles and have no problems in any of them. And because Paper Mario uses a two-character party, using him implies that you're not using the best character for the situation.

(Biran voice) Useless! Useless!

And let's not even go into his personal life. "Spike"? What the hell?

- Epinephrine

Yes, Lakilester was indeed rather useless. Now quick, look the other way and pretend to be distracted as I head straight to the next letter without so much as a competent segue.

Aika: cool in theory. (Slight SoA spoilers.)

O lord of venomous sarcasm,

It's awfully hard to top the likes of Malak and Chu-Chu in considering the lowest of the low, but among recent games there are a few (un)worthy competitors. So, without further ado:

1. Badrach (Valkyrie Profile). He's weak, he's inaccurate, he can't fill the combo meter worth dirt. He's by far the weakest of the archer-type characters, worse even than the mopey, puberty-deprived Llewellyn. And the worst sin of order to get him, you must sit through a long-winded, overdramatic, snail-paced, and totally irrelevant cutscene featuring *hands down* the most *obnoxious* voice actor in a game already littered with mediocre voice talent.

2. Almost any character from Saga Frontier II (Saga Frontier II). Mostly because you never have any of them long enough to build them up at all. One, two, *maybe* three scenarios, then *piff*, they're gone forever. This is especially vexing with characters who do not start as total weaklings. (Oh Eleanor, beautiful goddess of hot fiery death, why did they take you away so soon?)

3. Aika (Skies of Arcadia). Don't get me wrong, I like Aika the character--it's Aika the combatant who frosts my shorts. She gets my personal vote, largely because of her tantalising but ultimately fruitless brushes with not-uselessness. She's halfway decent at the start of the game. She enjoys a brief period of supreme usefulness as soon as she can do first-turn Lambda Bursts. Then Lambda Burst becomes worthless, and it's all over--her physical attack can't begin to compare with Vyse, Drachma, Gilder, or Enrique; her magic attack can't begin to compare with Fina; her S-Moves are beyond worthless, except maybe for Delta Shield, which is still inferior to Gilder's Aura of Denial. ("Aura of Denial" is a far cooler name, to boot). And Omega Psyclone is *so* not worth 4 moonberries, I cannot express it in words. By the end of the game, the only remotely helpful thing you can have her do is use items, and except in a few boss battles, in-battle item use is not much called for in Skies of Arcadia. Naturally, dropping her from the party is never an option. Blech. Just...blech.

Well, I've vented my spleen for the day. With that outpouring of bile, I wish you good day.



Cats with bronchitis


~Ian P.

Hey man, when you got Alf past level 20, he starts to get some crazy-good magic attacks. You just didn't play the game enough.

Tripping. (Small MGS2 spoilers.)

Cozy -

I'm nominating Emma Emmerich from Metal Gear Solid 2. For the short time you have to drag her around, all she does is drastically decrease your speed, open doors directly in front of guards, and generally get you killed.

I managed to find one "positive" use for her: I can speed up my arrival at the level restart screen by blasting her in the face with a Stinger after she attracts the attention of three guards by TRIPPING OVER MY FOOT.

I just needed to get that off my chest.

- An'Desha - currently being prevented from completing MGS2 by a lack of clothing, some very frightening comments from the Colonel, and a dancing Mei Ling. At least the last one isn't so scary...

I've never been a fan of the whole "drag some other idiot around" mechanic in video games, ICO excluded, so yeah, I empathize with your pain.

Closing Comments:

Well, that was an exercise in futility. Hopefully this topic will provide for a little more interaction on my part. Probably not, but I may as well try. So here it is: what is your best vacation/video game story? Personally, I'd have to go with the time school was unexpectedly closed due to snow for 5 straight days, allowing me to play Sonic 2 almost non-stop. Or, just so that this isn't such an exclusive topic, what is your favorite video game memory? The time your parents brought home Zelda 3? The day FFVII finally hit shelves? Do tell.

-Drew Cozner, blah blah blah. Blah.

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