Double Agent
Everything you never wanted for the Holidays - November 26th, 2000 - Drew Cosner

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not neccessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. Okay, you are not turning me on right now. Don't say we didn't warn you.

A few readers pointed out that in yesterday's closing comments I asked what you'd least like to get as a gift this Holiday season and what you'd least like to get stuck with as a gift. Now, I could tell you that was an effort to be humorously negative on my part, cleverly insinuating that everything sucks and there's nothing you could possibly want this year. I could also tell you that the Queen of England held a gun shaped like a slipper with eyeballs to my head and forced me to write that, because that would be just as true.

No, the unfortunate truth is that I am an idiot. As a result, most people wrote in about what they really don't want, and hence the negativity level of today's column has been cranked up a few notches. A few readers apparently misread, ironically leading them to get the intended meaning out of yesterday's topic, but for the most part expect a lot of bitching today.

And no, I don't know how that makes today different from any other day. I just needed something to talk about in the introduction.

Here's what you can get me for the Holidays

Mr. Cosner:

I myself am looking forward to Skies of Arcadia, I hear that game is pretty tight, but I'll end up getting a book and socks. Such is life.

Call me Krelyk.

Yeah, I've been hearing nothing but good things about Skies of Arcadia. I'd really appreciate it if all you readers would chip in and get me about 60 or so spare hours for Christmas so I can play it myself. Think about it; if you took the number of people who read this column on a daily basis and divide 60 hours by that number, you'd get some number of minutes I don't feel like calculating. Like, 5 minutes a piece or something. Don't be ungrateful.

For everything a price


I could sure go for a tasty Dreamcast this Christmas, if just for Crazy Taxi and Sword of the Berserk. The thing I would least desire to receive this year, however, is your bare ass gyrating in front of me. Like last year.

Confused and disgusted,

-Toaster Thief

Look, pal, it's simple: if you want the gifts, you get the ass. Nobody gets a free ride when I'm farming out the goods.

The gift we all want

Heyas Drew,

All I want for for chrsitmas is... well since I already have my 2 front teeth, how bout the thing everyone does: A(nother)PS2. To replace the one I sold online (not the one that went for like 14 grand but oh well), along with FF9(I want my own copy not just my roomies!), CC(same as ff9), VS, VP, ToF, and um... FF8 for my PC. Again I am a lazy poor bum so I was using my rich roomies copy then he sold his PS1 and the games errrr.

Other than that, since my parents and peeps are broker than I am, oodles and oodles of money. Maybe I can actually go back to college after I pay them their 4 grand (financial aid offices suck) and another 4 grand or so for credit cards (chinese and pizza for a year is expensive), and another 60grand or so for a nice dodge viper....

OK I know I am wishing, but I gotta.

Efrate, knowing this won't get printed. [Shows what you know -Drew]

PS I also want yer job. I'd love ot get paid for writing letters to people about video games....what a life.

If you really owe that much money, you sure dug yourself into a hole. I mean, not that I can talk, considering that I'll owe my soul to the student loan people in a couple more years, but still. At any rate, that's pretty much the best gift anybody can give: money. I thought about writing one of those "Gamers' Holiday Gift Guide" things for the GIA like all those other gaming sites have. Then I realized that one page with an image of a hundred dollar bill and the word "cash" in a caption below it wasn't much of a feature, so there went that idea.

P.S. I don't know where people get the idea that I'm being paid for this. I do it out of my deep love for every last one of you. Kiss, kiss.

Dream on

I want Dragon Warrior 7, TRANSLATED AND UNCENSORED, for Christmas.

I can dream, can't I?


No. No, you cannot. That would go against Enix's strict policy of releasing products long after nobody cares anymore. I figure after much premeditation and argumentation, DW7 will be released in North America on November 7th, 2004, its release coinciding with Sony's unveiling of the PlayStation 3.

Where do you guys find out about these games? #1


Game wise, I hope to hell I'm never within a 50 mile radius of a game called Choaniki: Great Brother. It was some shooter released in Japan in which you pilot some gay guy getting humped by another gay guy. All the enemies were ugly men in speedos. I'm not even fucking kiding. Jesus christ, do you think I'd make something like that up? Actually, I take that back. I would like to own that game, it would be funny as hell. I just don't want to know what you shoot....

Now, for things that actually won't make me go psychotic or gay. I want Grandia 2, and Zelda (still ahven't gotten it yet...), and maybe import Guilty Gear X and Sakura Taisen 1 and 2. Hell, I don't know.

-Justin Freeman

Justin, if you're not making that up, that is the most disturbing game I have ever, in my life, heard of. When you see a really stupid game concept and start joking around about it with friends you say things like, "What next, a game where you're a gay guy and you go around humping other gay guys?" Then you all get a good laugh about it until you're all sitting on the couch stuffing lime-flavored Tostitos down your faces while deathmatching using your one-handed controllers so your greasy fingers don't slip off of the buttons. But now that's been ruined. Now, when we're joking around we're going to have to come up with something really bizarre. We'll have to say, like, "What next, a game where you're in outer space and the sun opens up and tries to eat you? Hahahaha!" And that just sounds retarded.

Where do you guys find out about these games? #2

A bit of a trailer to the recent cooking sim comments: One of the most demented games to never make it out of Japan is the all-time classic Cooking Fighter, in which you run around an arena filled with animals, kill them, and fry them up in a variety of delicious ways. Your opponent can either try and top your dish using another animal, or he can beat the crap out of you and then finish off your target meal for himself. Includes parody (at least, I HOPE they're parody) cut-scenes about the noble and historical lines of cooking fighters throughout the ages.

As for today's topic: Pretty much any console game, sans console. Because, alas, I have no console here at college. (There. I admitted it.) This is a fact my friends are well aware of. So any games coming my way will most likely be followed by an innocent "Oh, you don't have a [insert system name here]? Don't worry, I won't let it go to waste until you get one..." At which point, a) I will know exactly who my true friends are, and b) I will insist that I needed a good coaster anyway, just to spite them.

- ChocoMog ZERO

Normally I would actually look into these bizarro titles you're all telling me about today to see if they're real or not. Unfortunately, I'm a bit pressed for time today, so I'll only assume you're a bunch of liars. I'll assume this because if titles like that exist, even I'm a little worried. I thought Ninja Golf was as bad as it got. At least this kind of stuff isn't being released in America, right...?

Where do you guys find out about these games? #3

For the gift season, I was actually hoping for a large number of games. However, I'll choose one which appeals to me the most: Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen's Magical Mystery Mall. Mall looks like it's shaping up to be the 2000 Game of the Century. Watch as the wonder duo-

Take pictures of boys!
Revolutionarily dance dance to your CDs! (In my scenario, "After the Love")
Ski...! Bah, the PS2 doesn't have any titles with the skiing depth of Mall.
Change outfits! ...
Change outfits!

Hopefully, all the glitter of the game just won't be whistlin' dixie! Maybe there'll be a just as wonderful story! But don't spoil me. If I get a spoiler, I'll...I'll cut myself!

The title I don't want for the holiday season is a copy of Final Fantasy VII. I already have the title, so getting again...You know.


...we are so screwed.

Props for the Earthbound reference


My mom was looking at my odin toy, and she noticed something: his horns look like frog legs! check it out, you can see it on one of the GIA's screen shots:

He doesn't seem as creepy anymore, when you consider his head is where the frog's crotch would be.


Blue! Blue! Join the cult!

Amano's overly-vague art style strikes again. And people wonder why I prefer Tetsuya Nomura. His Odin's head never looked like a frog's crotch.

Like I would know

you fruitcake,

i'm actually the guy who did the original a capella remix remixed in that "bubble bobble kahlua mix" song you posted. you should get your drinks straight. i was hammered on vodka, chief. kahlua is a pussy liquor, no pun intended.


Okay, see, I didn't post that link. And frankly, how do we know that you're not a Girl Drink Drunk? You may claim otherwise just to look good, but we have no way of knowing that.

Closing Comments:

Okay, the weekend is over, and your good pal Chris will return tomorrow. Write to him about, I dunno, how bizarre games will need to become before you'll be convinced that gaming is no longer for you. Or don't. See what I care, you big meanies.

-Drew-Thru Cosner

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