Quest 60 Professor Bomb's Lab More quests

Prerequisites: The Infernal Doll, The Gorgon Eye

   Return to the Junkyard and you'll see a Flowering wandering around. Have him you warp to Professor Bomb's Laboratory (which was previously unaccessable; the path that leads to it is one-way). Talk to Bomb twice and agree to find his missing golem, thus beginning the quest.

   Bomb doesn't know where the golem went, but he does suggest seeing the fortuneteller in Domina. You can donate 10 Lucre to Meimei's retirement fund if you want, or just proceed with the required sequence of events: Head to Lake Kilma and you'll see the golem disappearing down the path to the north. Chase it and you'll do battle with it. The Machine Golem uses mostly hand-to-hand attacks (aside from its laser); if you use long-range attacks against it, it'll have difficulty even touching you.

   You'll automatically return to Bomb's lab, where he'll fix up the golem. The golem -- Pavlov -- can then warp you between Bomb's Lab, Louie's Room, and the Junkyard entrance. In addition, Bomb starts running a pawn shop where you can buy and sell items off memory card saves.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Fine! Fine!"
Cactus Diary:
"There was a big chase to catch a pile of junk that ran away from a professor. How could a pile of junk run away on its own? I don't think I get it. Master, you need a rest."

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