Quest 19 The Infernal Doll More quests

Prerequisites: The Little Sorcerers, The Infernal Doll

   Note: If you want to get all the Cactus Diary entries, do not attempt this quest until you've already created Geo and the SS Buccaneer.

   Create the Junkyard using the Broken Doll and enter. You'll receive the "The Infernal Doll" quest as soon as you set foot inside. Talk to the jack-in-the-box just to the right and it will give you a list of toys to follow. You must follow this pattern to reach the end; while you can get to the next-to-last room with other paths, there won't be any exit to the last room if you don't follow the correct path.

   Head northeast past the jack-in-the-box to the second screen. Grab the Little Eye from the chest, then follow the path with the teddy bear beside it (to the southeast). On the Littered Ridge, open the chest, then head northeast past the doll. Fight through the next screen to the Acropolis of Trash. If you want to return to the entrance, talk to the jack-in-the-box and choose "Back off." To the east, you can also find Louie's Room, where there's a save point and a pair of chests. To progress with the quest, however, you'll want to head due north, past the jack-in-the-box. Assuming you followed the right sequence, a path will be open in the upper-right, guarded by a rocking horse. Follow it through a couple more screens until you reach the final room. Magnolia will summon 2 Cursed Dolls, a Chess Knight, and a Polter Box to attack you. Crush the Cursed Dolls first (they have a low HP), then the Chess Knight, and finally the Polter Box.

   You'll automatically be taken back to Louie's Room. Louie will talk a little, then reward you with two items; either Artifacts or metals. The quest ends.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Junky."
Cactus Diary:
"The junk at the Junkyard really wasn't junk! They were the leftovers of the artifacts used in wars long long ago. Wow... That makes me like them a little. Only a little bit."

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