Quest 58 Gilbert: School Amour More quests

Prerequisites: Faeries' Light

   The first time you set foot in Geo after completing Faeries' Light, Gilbert will be seen chatting with Kathinja, and another Gil quest begins. Head to the Outdoor Fruit Cafe -- it's the leftmost dot on the town map -- and speak with the pair again to kick off the "Gilbert: School Amour" quest. This time, your mission is to track down all of the Magic Academy's delinquent students and get them to return to school.

   You'll find the students spread over, the Outdoor Fruit Cafe, the marketplace (including the interiors of the shops), and the Magic Academy itself. (To reach the Academy, head northeast from the narketplace.) Each student makes a statement; choosing the right response will "convert" him. One student, in the instrument shop, won't prompt you with any responses; just ignore him for now.

"I hate school""I hate school, too"
"After a good dream...""That's not good"
"I don't have a reason for going back...""Do as you please"
"I wasn't born to go back...""What for, then?"
"Everyone's boycotting school!""Just go to school"
"It's so boring at school""Yeah, it's boring"
"I hate war"[automatic]
"I hate adults""Yes" (twice)
"...Am I a bad boy?""No, you're not"
"It's so hard to study...""Stick with it"
"School sure isn't fun""You can make it fun"
"I'm still standing""How come?"
"Everyone's boyctotting school!""Go with the flow"
"My handle is The Green Wiggly.""Yes", "Marching ants", "Clearly"

   Once you think you've found all the students, go back to the instrument shop and talk to the kid who didn't prompt you for a response. If you did indeed "convert" all the students, the quest will end; otherwise, you'll have to go track down the missing ones.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "He got hard?"
Cactus Diary:
"They all didn't want to go back, but when my master talked to them they decided to go back. What did master say to them? It must be magic."

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