Quest 18 Daddy's Broom More quests

Prerequisites: The Little Sorcerers, The Infernal Doll

   When you speak with Lisa after completing The Infernal Doll, she'll realize she's lost her father's broom. The "Daddy's Broom" quest begins; run upstairs and talk to Li'l Cactus. He admits to throwing the broom away at the Junkyard. When you go back downstairs, Lisa has already run off in search of the broom, and Bud joins you to look for her.

   Important Note: Do not remove Bud from your party during this quest (either by going back into your house or by signing up another NPC). If you do, he and Lisa will permanently vanish from the game, rendering this and all the other Bud and Lisa quests impossible to finish.

   Return to the Junkyard and retrace your steps back to the place where you encountered Magnolia. This time, you'll find Lisa, the broom, and a Gremlin; the first retrieves the second, and you end up fighting the third. It's easy; defeat it and the quest ends.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Broom...snap-snap!"
Cactus Diary:
"I threw away an old broom, and that made Bud and Lisa mad. They went and got it back, and fixed where it was broken. I guess everything is just hunky-dory now."

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