Quest 16 Diddle Kidnapped!? More quests

Prerequisites: Diddle Had It!, Catchin' Lilipeas, Where's Putty?, AF Green Cane

   Visit the St. Mana's Church after completing the prerequisite quests and you'll see that it's been taken over Roger and the Diggers (since Nouvelle is away guarding the Lilipeas). Speak with Roger, then go to the Park of Mana Angel. The final Diddle quest will be activated here.

   Follow the Diggers to the White Forest. They've blocked off the path to the west, so you'll have to take the long route. Go southeast, south, west, and west to an intersection. Several Dudbear guards are wandering around here; you can use the X button to briefly knock them out. Quickly clobber all the guards, then run through the northwest exit. (If one of the Dudbears is still conscious, he'll grab you and carry through the southwest exit; just return to the intersection and try again.) Head west through the next screen to another intersection. Again, smash all the Dudbears and run through the exit to the northwest.

   You'll see some scenes with Diddle, the Diggers, and Capella; eventually, you're volunteered to battle the monster they unearthed. It's the Chimera Lord, and it's basically just a Chimera Beast with more hit points. It can turn you to stone with its laser attack, but you'll break out of the stoning effect quickly. Overall, it's an easy boss. The quest will end when you defeat it; you won't receive any rewards.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Diggers!"
Cactus Diary:
"A little boy named Diddle was kidnapped. Diddle had a friend named Capella who found him. Wish I could be somebody's help. No, seriously."

Legend of Mana Guide