Chapter 16Brides of SeruMore...

ITEMS TO GET: Magic Leaf, Healing Bloom, Door of Wind, Ivory Book, Ratayu Key

   Back in Ratayu, it seems you're not being hailed as heroes as you'd hoped. The Mist is gone, which means Saryu's dictatorship can return to power. On the more positive side of things, with no enemies around, you're free to loot the houses. In addition to a Magic Leaf, Healing Bloom, and Door of Wind, you'll also acquire a second Ivory Book, which is quite handy. You can also buy a lot of new equipment in the shops, so be sure to arm yourself (particularly Vahn and Gala) well.

   Talk to the girl in the upper-right corner of the inn. She explains her situation, and Noa offers to disguise herself as a Bride of Seru in the girl's place. Agree to the plan, and you'll be given a chance to prepare. Save and heal if you haven't done so already, then equip Vahn and Gala each with one Ivory Book, as well as all defense-boosting accessories you have.

   When you're ready to continue, talk to the girl again and say you're set. Noa will be taken to the basement of the castle. Head west to the Juggernaut platform and watch the other Bride get devoured, then head back the way you came. Saryu will show up and block your escape.

   You then switch back to Vahn and Gala, at the castle gates. Head north into the castle. This time, instead of going up one of the side stairways, keep going straight. On the next screen, continue north and you'll be attacked by two guard dog-like Kemaros.

   This battle's tougher than it looks; the Kemaros can do quite a bit of damage (200-300) per attack, and there's two of them. Focus your attacks on one, and try to absorb it (i.e., don't use magic on it). If you can manage to get one of them, you'll gain a huge asset, as one Kemaro summon deals A LOT of damage ("A LOT" = 1600+ HP). If not, you can get them later, so don't worry about it if you fail to catch either of them.

   Go through the door the Kemaros were guarding and run along the long path. Eventually, you'll approach the platform where the Juggernaut is. Heal up and continue the rest of the way. Some events will occur, and then Noa rejoins you to fight Van Saryu.

   Use the same basic strategy you used against Songi; you needn't change your combos. Van Saryu is a bit tougher, however, as he has an Earthquake spell that does 300-600 damage to the party with each casting. If you did catch a Kemaro, use it! It takes about 13,000 points of damage to put Saryu out of comission, so hit him with everything you've got.

   When Saryu is defeated, you'll return to the throne room. Freed from his curse, Saryu forks over the Ratayu Key and reveals the real culprit behind the events in Ratayu: Dohati. The town is now back to normal; you can stay for free in the inn for saving the innkeeper's daughter. Also, one of the people in the inn has a book on the Biron arts; ask to just have the book read to you and you can learn some new Arts (if you don't have them already).

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