Chapter 17Dohati's CastleMore...

ITEMS TO GET: Healing Flower, Wonder Elixir, Power Elixir, Healing Bloom, Phoenix, Life Water, War Soul, Fury Boost, Healing Berry, Magic Fruit, Power Water, Shield Elixir

   Buy any more equipment you can afford (weapons are usually your best bet), then use the Ratayu Key to unlock the west gate of the city. Head left out onto the world map, and journey south and west until you reach Dohati's Castle.

   The initial areas of the castle are stocked with Level 2 Orbs and Swordies, which you've probably seen more than enough of, and a new Light Seru, Aluru. Aluru isn't really that great; it consumes a lot of MP (90) for a fairly weak effect. There's no reason not to try to assimilate them, however.

   From the first room, go left around the pillar and into the hallways. There's two forks here; they each lead to rooms with chests. One holds a Healing Flower, the other a Wonder Elixir. Get both, then go back to the pillar and head right. Stop in the first room you see and collect a Power Elixir, then continue on to the escalators. Board the one to the north.

   At the top of the escalator, head right and then down. When you reach an area with a square pillar in the center, exit through to the right to reach a room with a Healing Bloom in a chest. After taking it, continue south, then turn west. You'll see another escalator; this leads back down to the bottom, should you want to walk out for some reason. Otherwise, continue west to a fork. Take the south one first to reach a chest with a Phoenix, then go north. You'll emerge outside on a walkway; cross it and re-enter the building.

   The enemy mix changes slightly here; you'll now see Nova Lv. 2s and Gola Golas, along with the Alurus. Capture what you need as you advance west. When you see a path leading north, follow it through the door to a chest with a Healing Fruit, then continue west.

   At the next set of escalators, head left through the small passage to get Life Water. Then board the western escalator (it's the only one leading up) and you'll be taken up another floor. Head east, stopping by the southern passage along the way -- it contains the War Soul, a powerful accessory which boosts the power of your Arts. Give it to Noa. Then continue east and you'll end up on another walkway. Head across and go back inside.

   Once again, the enemy mix changes; you'll now face Level 2 Viguros and Mushuras in addition to the Alurus. Other than that, things are basically the same -- head east, then south to a room with several exits. Go through the door in the upper-right first to claim a Fury Boost from the chest, then head south. You'll soon reach another room with several exits. First, go north again and get the Healing Berry from the chest, then go south. Hop on board the escalator and let it carry you up a level. When it stops, go north and grab the Magic Fruit (ignore the northern escalator, it leads back down), then exit via the southwest door.

   Enter the main tower and save your game at the provided save point. Check the two rooms off to the sides for Power Water and a Shield Elixir, then heal up and go north into the Mist Generator room. When you approach the Generator, Dohati, who looks identical to Zeto (he's a different color), will appear. Like Zeto, he transforms into a marine animal to do battle with you -- but this time it's a mutant fish-sorta thing instead of a crab.

   Dohati's a bit tougher than Songi and Van Saryu, though he's still not overly difficult. His Chaos Breath does 300-400 damage to your party and causes poison, but this can be easily remedied with a Level 3 (or higher) Orb. His attacks can do a fair amount of damage -- around 700 or so if you're not using Spirit. The best strategy is to try to save up Spirits -- for example, have one or two characters attack, while the other heals or summons Kemaro. This way, you can always have an attack ready when you're healthy enough that you don't need to heal. Dohati's on the far end of the slow side, so you can usually get all your characters to move before he does. He possesses around 17,000 HP, so it may take you a couple tries to beat him.

   When Dohati is beaten, he'll explode with some special effects, and then you'll see the Mist Generator destruction FMV again. The Ra-Seru and your party will talk for a while, then you'll be warped out of the castle and back to Ratayu.

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