Chapter 15Mt. LetonaMore...

ITEMS TO GET: Healing Flower, Swift Water, Speed Elixir, Fury Boost, Healing Berry, Letona Key, Wisdom Ring, Magic Leaf, Guardian Water, Power Ring, Incense, Healing Bloom, Wisdom Water, Healing Fruit, Magic Fruit, Thunder Book II

   When you first arrive in Ratayu, Vahn and company chat briefly with their Ra-Seru. Run north and jump over the crevice into the town proper. Of course, it's infested with the Mist, so you won't be able to do any shopping now. However, you can find Level 2 Viguros here, so you can capture some if you didn't get one back in West Voz Forest.

   Head due north and up the stairs to the castle gate. Pass through, cross the bridge, and enter the building. Inside the castle, you'll encounter Evil Shadows, in addition to the ones found outside. Ascend either set of stairs. On the next screen, the second door on the left holds a Healing Flower, while the first door on the right leads to Swift Water. Collect the one that corresponds to the side you're on, then continue north. Enter the room at the far north end of the hall.

   Pick up the three chests here for a Speed Elixir, Fury Boost, and Healing Berry, then talk to Saryu. He'll give you the Letona Key, which opens the gate to Mt. Letona. Make your way back out of the castle on the opposite side you came in from, so you can pick up the other chest. If you took a lot of damage in the castle, you may want to leave Ratayu entirely in order to heal up. Otherwise, return to the front gate of the town and turn east. Ascend the stairs and unlock the gate with the Letona Key. Head through, then turn north once you reach the vegetation. Save your game, then proceed up Mt. Letona.

   You'll finally encounter the first Earth Seru here, Mushura. Have Vahn or Gala capture them (Noa, being Wind-elemental, doesn't use Earth Seru well); you'll probably need to equip the Ivory Book to have any chance of success. The other enemies here have a tendency to poison you and/or cause rot, so equip yourself accordingly.

   Head north, and turn left when you see a path leading that way. Grab the two chests there, then continue north more. The path veers right, but keeping walking north and enter the cave at the back of the screen. Run through the tunnel and pop out onto the cliff at the other end. Open both chests, then go back through the tunnel. Now ascend the trail to the right. When you see a path leading into the foreground, take it; it leads to the Power Ring, which boosts your attack power significantly. Equip it on someone -- probably Noa, since she does most of the fighting. Then continue right into another cave.

   There's more Viguros in here; you should be able to handle them by now. Start off by going right, then turn north (into the background) when you reach the first path. Turn left at the earliest opportunity and follow the path under the upper ledge. You'll reach a ledge on the exterior of the mountain; pick up both chests here (Incense and Healing Bloom), then make your back up the path. Now go north and east, and follow the path until you arrive outside again.

   Proceed along the cliff, collecting the Wisdom Water along the way, to the next cave. Here, head south and west, but turn east when you reach the first fork. Grab the Healing Fruit in the chest, then continue south and west. Keep following the straightforward path and you'll eventually reach a save point. Save your game, then exit the cave. Climb up to the peak of the mountain, where you'll find the Genesis Tree. Try to touch it -- a barrier surrounds it, preventing you from reviving it. Pick up the Magic Leaf in the chest, then start to descend again. The culprit will promptly make his appearance -- it's Songi!

   As usual, begin the first round with Spirit, then start attacking with combos on the second. Recommended combos include RRDLRULL and UDRLRULLD for Vahn, RRUULDRD and UULDRRUU for Noa, and RRLRLRD for Gala (or feel free to invent your own!). Songi primarly uses his regular attack, which does 250-400 damage, but occasionally throws a Hyper Lightning at you (around 350 damage to a single character). You can equip Madlight Jewels (if you have any) to reduce the damage, but it's hardly worth bothering with. Once you've done about 9000 HP damage to him, he'll also start using Hyper Crush, which does 500-700 damage to the whole party. Fortunately, he's almost dead at this point, so use Orb to heal and keep up the attacks -- another 4500 or so will finish him off for now. As usual, Songi departs in a trail of rumors, leaving behind 6000 experience, 5000 G, and the Thunder Book II.

   Use the Thunder Book II on Gala to teach him his second Hyper Arts (Lightning Storm), then touch the Genesis Tree. This time, you'll activate the tree and successfully dispel the Mist. Use a Door of Light to warp back to the world map (unless you feel like walking all the way back down).

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Legend of Legaia Guide