Chapter 5 The Escape More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion

   Zidane and Garnet land on the deck of the Prima Vista. Equip the Silk Clothes that you got in Steiner's scenario (and don't even try to think about why Zidane is now carrying them). Head east and you'll see a quick scene introducing Ruby, yet another member of the Prima Vista crew. Once Zidane enters the room, talk to Ruby again, then follow Garnet down the steps. Zidane and Garnet talk, then Shina enters and escorts you to a secret passage. Meanwhile, Steiner and a mysterious Pluto Knight show up to give chase.

   Zidane, Garnet, and Shina drop down into the Prima Vista's engine room. Before following Shina to the left, examine the wheel on the steam engine. Choose both options to make two chests fall down. (Shina will yell at Zidane each time; just ignore him.) Don't go through the door on the left; instead, climb down the stairs. Open the two chests (one is hidden behind the engine) for Phoenix Down and a Phoenix Pinion.

   Pass through the doorway on the left side of the engine room. Steiner and the other Pluto Knight surround the party, but the latter reveals himself to be Frank in disguise. He teams up with Zidane and Shina to fight Steiner. Hit him with regular attacks, and don't waste Zidane's turns trying to escape (you can't!). You can, however, steal a hat and Silk Clohtes from him. If you need to heal, have Shin use a Potion, since his attack is by far the weakes). After you do about 150 HP of damage to Steiner, he'll use a sword technique against Frank and knock his armor off. A swam of Burimushis escapes from the armor and distracts Steiner, giving your party a chance to escape.

   Steiner knocks out Shina and chases Zidane and Garnet up to the stage. Here, they try to blend in with the production of King Lear going on. When Garnet dies in the play, VIVI and Pack rush on the stage to try to "save" her. VIVI ends up teaming up with Zidane, Garnet, and Marcus to battle Steiner and two of his lackeys.

   The two soldiers can each be taken out in one hit from Zidane or Marcus, so take care of them before attacking Steiner. Zidane and Marcus are agained armed with useless spells; just have them use regular attacks. VIVI should cast his Fire spell, listed under the second command on his menu. (The third one builds up his magic power.) Garnet can use her healing magic (her third command) to replenish wounded characters' HP, or just attack. Her attack, however, is pitifully weak, doing only 7 damage or so. This time, Steiner has about 175 HP.

Sorry, I had to say it.
Brains triumph over Brahne.

   A CG sequence follows, then it's time for one last fight against Steiner. He's got a lot more HP this time (about 475), but he's also alone. Fortunately, VIVI's Fire spell does at least 100 damage per shot, and Zidane and Marcus can each take off about 40 HP with their attacks. You will probably need to have Garnet heal, however; Steiner's attacks do 12-20 HP damage, so keep your HP above that level.

   The Prima Vista makes a narrow escape. Angered, Queen Brahne sends the jester duo of Thorn and Zorn after our heroes. There's another brief FMV sequence, and then a Moogle shows up to talk about A.T.E. (Active Time Events). Press the Select button and pick the top option to witness a brief scene of VIVI and Garnet. You then regain control of Zidane.

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