Chapter 45 Yadda Yadda Yadda More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: 7071 gil, Elixir (x2), Remedy, Egoist Bracelet, Chimaera Bracelet, Lapis Lazuli, Miracle Medicine, Beautiful Moth Medicine, Suspicious Medicine

   Zidane wakes up in Lindbulm. Open the nearby chest for a Egoist Bracelet, then sneak along the north side of his room towards the stairs. Go up the stairs, grab the Elixir from the chest, and talk to the Save Moogle. Choose the first option three times to receive a new MOGNET quest. If you move too far south, Frank will enter and Zidane runs off -- but don't worry, you can come back later.

   Complete the Quina A.T.E., then go get on the elevator. Choose the second option to go up. Proceed straight forward; you'll find the party waiting for you. After the dialogue concludes, leave the meeting room and go up the stairs. Talk to both guards and enter the throne room. (You can't get into the throne room without talking to the guards.) There's a lot talking, interspersed with a couple of required A.T.E.s.

   Eventually, you end up with Zidane alone. Return to the guest room and get the chests if you didn't earlier, then head to the throne room. You'll be asked to collect three different medicines for Cid. An A.T.E. of Tantalus repairing the clock tower pops up. Run through it, then go take the elevator down to the basement. Open the chest in the back of the waterway once again; this time it contains a Chimaera Bracelet. Check MOGNET, then head up to the tram and take it into town. You'll notice that you can only go to the main area and clock tower area now; the statue plaza was destroyed.

   Travel to the clock tower area first. When you leave the tram office, go down the stairs in the lower-right (they weren't there before) into a house. Open the chest for a Lapis Lazuli gem, then search the table for one of the medicines. Leave the house and descend the stairs on the far left. Outside the clock tower, Shin will give Zidane another one of the medicines. When the scene is over, go inside the clock tower and open the three chests for a total of 7071 gil.

   Take the tram to the main area of Alexandria. Leave the office and go north one screen. Enter the middle house. The chests here have again been restocked; they contain an Elixir and Remedy. Collect both items, then head to the sundial plaza. In the upper-right corner is a group of people; talk to the woman for the left for the final medicine.

   Return to the throne room (you'll need to talk to the guards again to get in) and talk to Cid. He'll take the medicine and turn green -- apparently Hironobu Sakaguchi wasn't kidding when he said he thought of Cid as the Yoda of the Final Fantasy series. An A.T.E. Quina will pop up after Cid takes the medicine; go track down your favorite chef in the marketplace and pay 100 gil to the angry shopkeeper. Quina will rejoin you.

   Return to the palace and take the elevator down to the basement again. This time, instead of heading towards the Gizamaluke's Grotto entrance, take the shuttle car to the south. Exit south again and you'll be at the harbor, where a ship is waiting for you. Choose the first option to board it.

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