Chapter 4 Alexandria Castle More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Silk Clothes, Elixir

   Zidane and Frank have successfully infiltrated the castle and disguised themselves as guards. Leave the dressing room and head northwest under the spiral staircase. Don't go north or south; a guard will show up and you'll be forced to retreat. Instead, continue west up the stairs. Proceed onto the balcony and Garnet will show up. Choose the second response for a longer conversation.

   A few automated scenes follow, and then you take control of Steiner, who's hunting for Garnet -- as well as the rest of the Pluto Knights roster. Head east into the dressing room. Knights #2 and #3 are here (Steiner is #1); talk to them and they'll run off to look for Garnet. You'll also find a Save Moogle here; select MOGNET and then the first option on the next menu to read a letter. (You can, of course, also save your game here.)

   Now head back to the main hall and climb up the same stairs that Zidane went up. Exit south to the balcony / throne room. Talk to the Queen and she'll give you Silk Clothes. Steiner can't equip them, so just hang on to it for now.

   Return to the "main" hallway -- where Steiner started -- and go north. Knight #5 is running around on this screen, but recruiting him is easier said than done. When you move onto the right half of the screen, he'll come running out of the door on the left and head right. Move to the left side of the screen; if you're still on the right side of the screen when the knight passes the halfway point, he'll turn around. As soon as Five moves past the stairs, run to the right side of the scren and talk to him before he leaves. If he makes off the screen, he'll try to run back to the left, so just reverse the directions to try again.

   To the left of Knight #5's room, you'll find the kitchen, where you can catch a sneak preview of your future ally Quina. Knight #9 can be found in the room to the right; he won't leave when you talk to him, but counts as a recruit anyway. Sign him up, then descend the stairs in the background of the main screen. On the lower level, exit west. Talk to the Knight -- Number Four -- in the lower-left corner of the library and pick either option to recruit him. Leave the library and continue south.

   You're now outside the castle. Steiner will hear some cheering and look up. Check the bottom of the screen for Knight #8, who will join the expedition, then exit screen left. (A mysterious Knight #? can be found to the right, but he can't be recruited.) Talk to Knight #7 outside the tower, then enter. Ignore the door on the left and proceed forward. Begin climbing the stairs; along the way, you'll encounter Knight #6. Talk to him; if you've recruited all the other Knights, Six will give you an Elixir. If you missed any, you can either go back and look for them or just continue on -- the only penalty for not finding all the Knights is that you don't get the Elixir. When you reach the top of the tower, FMV kicks in.

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