Chapter 33 When Mages Attack! More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Ether, Phoenix Pinion, Bandanna, World Map, Lindbulm Card

   After a pair of CG scenes, the party ends up inside the ruined Lindbulm. VIVI runs off, leaving Zidane and Garnet under your control. Head up the stairs. The tram office isn't functioning any more, but the inn still is. Upstairs in the inn, you'll also find the Save Moogle. Talk to it and choose MOGNET; this should complete the two outstanding quest you have. Then select MOGNET again, pick the first option, select MOGNET a third time, and pick the first option twice for a new quest.

Black Mage mugshot
Peek-a-boo, I see you

   Leave the inn and head north to the marketplace. Search the rubble in the background (it used to lead into an alley) for an exclamation mark that yields the rare Lindbulm Card. The nearby house is still standing; inside, you'll find two "respawned" chests with an Ether and a Phoenix Pinion, as well as a QuadMist player who doesn't have any good cards.

   Head to the sundial plaza, which you can still get to from the east side of the marketplace. Olbert greets you and takes you to see Cid. VIVI shows up again, and the group discusses Kujya and the Sacred Beasts (summon monsters). You'll end up back in the sundial plaza; you can look around the town again if you want. Talk to the guy standing by the sundial and choose the first option.

   After an A.T.E. taking place on a boat, Zidane and Garnet automatically sneak into the Alexandria-occupied Lindbulm Grand Palace and descent to the basement. VIVI agains rejoins, and Cid gives you the World Map. Cid and your party hop on one of the hovercrafts; as they depart, hit Select for another A.T.E.

   Once you end up at the end of the waterway, you're stuck; you can't ride the hovercraft back towards Lindbulm. Note that the hidden chest behind the hovercraft boarding platform has also restocked; it now contains a Bandanna. More importantly, the man in the blue cap has a slew of new goods. You can buy Remedies for the first time, as well as more powerful armor (Adamant Plate) and a new rod for Garnet. It's not as strong as the Melting Racket, but it does have a pair of new spells (Reflect and Levitate). If Garnet hasn't yet mastered some of the more important spells, such as Raise, concentrate on learning those before going after these new ones.

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