Chapter 14 Majestic Hugeass City More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: 610 gil, Hi-Potion, Elixir, Phoenix Down, Echo Screen, Tent, Bronze ?, ? Wrist, Escutcheon, Pointed Hat, ? Stone, Mimic Card, Mini-Burmecia, Star Sign

   Hit Select and run through the A.T.E. with the Moogles. And speaking of Moogles, there's one in this room; you can save if need be. (Don't forget to MOGNET; you'll receive a letter from Ruby.) Go downstairs and search the lower-left corner; there's 163 gil sitting there. You can stay at the inn for 100 gil; while you're presently healed, you'll need to come back here to recover later. When you step outside, the A.T.E. icon will appear; this A.T.E. stars Steiner.

   Lindbulm is one big city, featuring three different major areas (plus the palace) connected by tram. If you're in a hurry, just buy new gear at the weapon shop, visit the clock tower, and then head for the palace. If you want to explore, though, you can find lots of items scattered about the town, as well as plenty of QuadMist players. The young girl (Marsha) just outside the inn has some good cards, for example.

Digital heroin

   Head north down the main street to the marketplace. Continue straight ahead into an alley. Proceed down it; the third person you come to is a QuadMist player. There's also a Tent hidden in the trees on the bottom of the screen. Enter the church and climb up the ladder. Collect the Laser Plate from the chest at the end of the shelf. Leave the church and head back down the alley to the marketplace. Enter the middle building here and go left as you enter. Pick up the two chests for a Hi-Potion and Echo Screen. Then leave and go down the street on the far right to the fountain plaza.

   This area has three buildings you can enter. The weapon shop is on the right, and the item shop is to its left. At the former, buy two Mage Mashers, an Iron Helm (to be given to Freija), and Headgear for VIVI and Zidane. Then head down the road in the upper-left to the blacksmith's. Here, you can combine various items to make more powerful weapons. Merge the two Mage Mashers into an Ogre Nix, which will give Zidane's attack power a tremendous boost. You may not want to equip it at this point if Zidane still hasn't finished learning the "scan" ability from the Mage Masher.

   Return to the main street and enter the building across from the inn. As you approach the door, the A.T.E. icon will flash. Watch the event with VIVI; he'll get a Key Item from the item store owner (Alice). Once it's over, go inside the building and examine the tram on the left. From here, you can travel to the other two sections of the city or the palace. Pick the first option to go to the clock tower area.

   The two people in the tram office here are both QuadMist players; you can win Mandragora, Cerberus, and Sahagin cards from the guard. Head outside the building (the exit is on the south wall) and another A.T.E will appear. This one again features Steiner. Climb down the stairs on the left side of the plaza and enter the clock tower, Tantalus' old headquarters. An automated event occurs, culminating with an A.T.E. with Garnet. Before you leave, search the bed for a Key Item and grab the three chests (one is in the foreground) for a total of 447 gil. Also search the bunk bed on the for a left Mini-Burmecia action figure.

   Leave the clock tower and yet another A.T.E -- this one concerning the rest of Tantalus -- will strike. When it's done, go down the stairs on the left and talk to the crowd of fangirls outside the theater for a humorous scene. Then go back to the screen outside the tram and descend the stairs in the lower-right. There's a healing stone in the chest, and Raul -- the guy the fangirls were drooling over -- will give you the Star Sign Key Item if you talk to him. (He won't appear unless you saw the scene at the theater.)

If he calls me Hello Kitty, I'll plug him
Dishwater! And put it in a dirty glass!

   Return to the tram office and go to the last section of town, the statue area. Leave the office and open the box in the foreground for a ? Wrist. Go up the stairs in the upper-right. The first building you come to on this street is the bar where you met Freija, though there's not really anything to do now. (You can play cards with Lilian, the waitress, but that's it.) However, there's a piece of armor in the well right besides it. The last building on the street also holds a Pointed Hat and Mimic Card in the chests.

   There's one more location to explore, but it's not in Lindbulm. To get to it, take the tram to the lowest level of town and go south from the tram office. Two screens later, you'll end up on the world map. Travel northeast from Lindbulm; you'll soon come across a marshy area with green pieces of land criss-crossing it -- this is Pinnacle Rocks. Most of the marsh is blocked off by mountains, but there's one little corner you can approach; go up to it and hit Circle to enter the area. Head southeast across all the rocks and open the two chests for an Elixir and a Phoenix Down. That's all there is to see in this area, so return to Lindbulm after getting the two chests.

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