Chapter 15 Stole His Clothes, Too! More walkthrough


   Take the tram to the Lindbulm Grand Palace. The tram will deposit you at the top of some stairs and then drive off; if you want to get back on the tram (i.e., leave), go down the stairs and head left. Otherwise, descend and go forward to enter the palace. You're now in the room where the airship landed; go up the stairs and exit southeast to reach the main hall of the palace.

Guards!  Guards!
So that's how you fool them.

   Go east and return to the palace bedroom. You'll find Steiner here, but he'll depart. Save your game with the Save Moogle if you want, then leave the room. Zidane will talk to himself about springing Garnet from the palace. Go left, back to the main hall, and Garnet will start humming "Melodies of Life." Return to the room you just left, descend the stairs, and talk to the guard on the left. Zidane tricks him into going into the bedroom, then forces him into the closet and swipes his uniform.

   Disguised as a guard, return to the main hall and go south to the elevator. (You can't get by the guard when dressed normally.) Take the elevator up to the top floor; Zidane will change back to his normal clothes en route. The archway ahead of you leads to the throne room, but it's guarded. Head up the stairs to the left, pass through the engine room, and climb up the circling stairs. When you reach the top of the tower, an FMV sequence plays.

 The world goes to hell and it's all GARNET'S FAULT!: Can you guess who I don't like?

   Garnet and Zidane end up using the telescope to look out on the surrounding areas. There are five locations you have to spot; center the telescope on them and a question mark will appear. Hit the Circle button to register that location; the question mark will then disappear from the site. The five locations are the town (easy to spot), the mountains above the town, the gate, the discolored green patch (it's a forest) east of the river, and the mountains above said forest. Once you've spotted them all, the telescope sequence ends. Sit through the interminable dialogue; eventually the five heroes (now including Freija) will end up meeting in the bedroom tower.

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Final Fantasy IX Guide