Chapter 13 Lindbulm More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Ether, Glass Bracelet

   The Cargo Ship docks in the Lindbulm Grand Palace. Your party is greeted by Cid's advisor Olbert (the guy with the beard), and then you end up in the main hall of the palace. Exit to the right; on the next screen, go through the first doorway you come to. You're now in a bedroom of sorts; you can find a Save Moogle here (be sure to check the MOGNET option for a new quest), as well as chests containing an Ether and a Glass Bracelet. Equip the latter on someone, then return to the main hall and go south.

   Your party is automatically taken up to see Cid, a bald midget who makes frog sounds when he walks. (Cid's diminuitive form is the result of a spell cast on him by his ex-wife in revenge for Cid's infidelity.) Cid speaks with your party for a while, and then everyone heads back to town. Zidane ends up in the bar, where he meets Freija; you can rename her if you choose. After this fairly lengthy scene, you'll witness a few exchanges between Garnet and Cid, and then you regain control of Zidane in the inn.

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