Chapter 12 The Unfriendly Skies More walkthrough


   Zidane and the rest of the party are now on board the Cargo Ship, accompanied by the good black mages. VIVI mopes and whines about Pack for a while. When he's done rambling, climb up the ladder in the background to the airship's deck. Steiner is here, and he and Zidane will talk some. Walk into the cabin and Steiner will leave.

   After another CG sequence, Zidane will end up in the cockpit, piloting the airship. Black Waltz Three attacks the ship, killing its crew. Zidane, VIVI, and Steiner will team up to fight it; Garnet sits this fight out. Check your status in the cockpit -- you're already healed, but you can make other adjustment -- then walk outside to battle the boss.

   None too surprisingly, Waltz Three fights a lot like Two, though he doesn't seem to use any counterattacks. Go ahead and blast him with Thunder and Thunder Sword; he seems to be weak to lightning attack. You'll need to heal with Potions since Garnet isn't around; have Zidane take care of the healing since his attack is the weakest. (Three carries an Escutcheon and Linen Cuirass that you can steal, but don't bother swiping them since you'll be able to buy both shortly.) If you didn't get a chance to Trance in the last battle, you definitely will in this one; a few Trance attacks (especially Steiner's) will take him out quickly. He isn't dead yet, though; Black Waltz Three takes command of a plane piloted by Thorn and Zorn. After an exciting CG dogfight, your party finally lands in Lindbulm.

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