GIA Commercial Break, Week Five

[07.29.01] » Not just trés bien ... pants trés bien!

   So last week's update was two days ago; what're you gonna do about it? Dancing monkeys with pants and without pants, narrated by a mysterious Frenchman with a downright prehensile mustache. Pants trés bien! Other winners include the insect fetishists of Ka (Mosquito), and the twist ending of One Piece Mansion. The full disclosure clause of the GIA's Monkey Rule demands that we inform our readership of the contents of the two McDonald's commercials. One features hundreds of toy Ape Escape monkeys running, while the other features hundreds of people in full-size Ape Escape monkey suits running.

   The new archive page is still there and as classy as ever.

   Joseph Holley puts the spring in our sponsored step.

One Piece Mansion (Short Version)
MPEG, 352x240, 2.53 MB

One Piece Mansion (Long Version)
MPEG, 352x240, 5.01 MB

Digimon Medley
WonderSwan Color
MPEG, 352x240, 2.52 MB

Hunter X Hunter
WonderSwan Color
MPEG, 352x240, 2.50 MB

Ka (Mosquito)
PlayStation 2
MPEG, 352x240, 2.52 MB

McDonald's Sony Mascot CM A
MPEG, 352x240, 5.01 MB

McDonald's Sony Mascot CM B
MPEG, 352x240, 5.01 MB

Mario Kart Advance
Game Boy Advance
MPEG, 352x240, 2.50 MB

Piposaru 2001
PlayStation 2
Commercial of the Week
MPEG, 352x240, 2.50 MB

Shadow Hearts CM A
PlayStation 2
MPEG, 352x240, 2.45 MB

Shadow Hearts CM B
PlayStation 2
MPEG, 352x240, 2.51 MB

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