Parallel Universe   

When you live in a world...well it gets into who you thought you'd be, and now I laugh at how the world changed me - I think life chose me after all.

Well, I have made it through finals and home to NY, to the world of nagging parents, pointless summer jobs, and no money to buy any games. Ah well, I suppose it could be least some of my friends are around for the summer.

Everyone else must be busy with the end of the year too, because there's only a couple of stories today. I also reposted "Answerer of the Call" because I accidentally messed up some of the formatting last week.

I smell summer on the wings of the wind...
~Tami / Kit

Date Title Game Author Genre
05.20.01 The Gift Final Fantasy VII Negative Creep Serious
05.20.01 "Mother" and "Daughter" Final Fantasy VIII Indigo Ice Comic
05.20.01 The Deconstruction of Falling Stars Final Fantasy VII Alhazred Serious
05.20.01 Dead Man's Logic Final Fantasy VI Asa Sanderson Serious
05.01.01 Answerer of the Call Final Fantasy IX Jjukil Comic
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